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Ashton told me about that! He came into class today and said "I don't know how I didn't realize! It's so obvious now."

I got a 91% on the final; I didn't find it too difficult. And yes, I do believe I entered each of the equations correctly.

You know what I like about the last day of the semester? That teachers don't really assign you work, so you can really just do whatever. Ashton and Luke are next to me discussing something (probably Aries). Also, Michael's teacher let him come over for the hour, so he's here too.

Tomorrow, try not to be late. Heck, be twenty minutes early. That way if we have homeroom together, we can talk (and meet!). Also try to be on time to all of your classes; even if we wind up having entirely different schedules, you'll still be punctual.

There's nothing wrong with that.

It seems that I'm writing you a short note too, but like you said, that's okay.



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