thirty nine

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How has your day been? I went out this morning to go for a walk because the weather is finally cooling down (though it may rain), and I felt that we needed to get out of the hotel and do something.

As I was searching for different places we could visit, I found a select few. I was not able to narrow it down to just one, so we have a whole list of places to visit.

I'll pick you up from the hotel around five, yeah? Don't bother dressing fancy or anything, this is just a casual thing. Unless you want to of course, but I find that the sight of me in a ripped-up tee shirt and jeans wouldn't go well with a black-tie-event sort of dress.

But hey, you do you.

I quickly dropped by to leave you this note around noon, and you were still sleeping. I know you managed to sneak out to the arcade late last night because you came back and were on the phone with Michael, talking about a prize you won him. I'm not as oblivious as you think, love. Nonetheless, you needed the sleep.

Anyway, if you talk to the guys today tell them hello for me?

I'm starting to feel a bit better! I believe it was just allergies. It's a shame I wasted six dollars on the medicine, though.

Either way, I'm looking forward to finally getting out of this hotel and spending time with you elsewhere. After we leave tomorrow, we only have two more weeks of our roadtrip left. I'm anxious for it to end; we've finally become friends again and I'm nervous that our final year of school will tear us apart.

Sorry for being pessimistic, I just really don't want to lose you again.

See you later,
C.H "


Biting his lip, Calum places the folded paper by Melanie's phone, which is laying on the nightstand beside her bed. Her name's written on the front in slanted capital letters. Being the first note he's actually had the guts to give her in a while, Calum worries that Melanie may think incorrectly of the note.

He opens it and quickly scribbles "PS: This is not a date" at the bottom where he signed off.

Calum sighs and makes his way out into the hallway, not wanting to overstay his time in the room. He knows that if he does, he'll just wind up throwing the note away.

He's finally getting over Melanie, and this was only going to relapse his feelings toward her.


an: whoop whoop short chapter

don't forget the character ask! it'll be closed after the roadtrip chapters are done.

thanks to mikerowhat for helping me with these next few parts!


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