Chapter 3

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I started walking to the bus stop with Ike and Tony next to me. Ike tried to keep his distance with Tony. "So uh Tony what is your original hair color? Your hair is dyed right?"

"Yeah." He stated. "Ginger."

"You might not want to let Carman know that." I stated. If he wants to be friends with people he wouldn't want to mention that to Cartman.

"I can handle that fucker." Tony stated as he fixed his hoodie.

"Oh I like this guy." Ike smiles.

"Really Ike?" I huff. He's been hanging out with Craig's sister to much.

"Heh sorry Kyle." Ike chuckles as he scratches his neck.

"It's okay." I walked over to Stan, Kenny, and Cartman who were at the bus stop. "Hey guys."

"Oh jeez the Jews are here." Cartman crosses his arms, but is soon pinned against the bus stop poll. "The fuck?!"

"Got something against Jews?" Tony asked as he held Cartman against the poll.

"Kahl call off your watch dog!" Cartman yelled at me. Tony lets go of him right when he says that.

"I ain't his watch dog!" Tony walked back over to Ike.

The bus soon pulls up. We all get on. Kenny sat with Cartman, Ike sat with Tony, and I sat with Stan. "Hey Stan."

"Sup Kyle?" Stan asked. He was writing something, and I quickly looked at it. Homework. What was I expecting to see?

A love letter.

I heard the little voice in the back of my head, and pushed it away. "Uh Kyle?"

"Hmm?" I looked at Stan.

"You want to tell me something? You've been staring at me for a bit." He stated. "Kinda creepy." He shrugged.

"Uh it can wait for later." I explained. "You got practice this morning?"

"Yeah." Stand replied. "Got a big game against North Park this Friday." It's pretty weird how much me and the guys changed over the years. Stan plays football still. He does it for Wendy, and for his dad.

Cartman actually some how decided to join the Modal UN. I thought it was crazy and wasn't him at first until I realized he was Germany. It also makes since now after I realized how much stuff he talked us into doing when we were younger. A boy band, the tooth fairy thing with Butters, and so much more stuff. He's good in the middle of a debate.

Kenny joined the dance club, and it was for a girl when he first started. It was the first time he actually was in love, but that all fell apart when the girl broke his heart. He found a new love though. The dance club. It changed him, but in a good way. He felt more at peace.

I joined the school newspaper. I want to get my voice out there, and I want people to learn what's happening. They need the news. Good thing Jimmy agrees with me.

"Kyle time to go!" Stan snapped me out of my thoughts. "Time for hell." We all got off of the bus.

"Unlike you I actually like school Stan." I states as we walked into the school. I headed to my locker, and a note fell out. Oh shit here we go again.

"Mhm mhpmh mhmhp mhmpm" Kenny mumbled, and we looked at him for a translation. He moved his scarf. "Kyle got another note~"

"Shut Kenny or he'll start to think it's from you." Cartman chuckled, and Kenny quickly shuts up. I slowly unfolded the note. In front of me I saw the familiar writing I saw the day before.

Letters To KyleWhere stories live. Discover now