Chapter 48

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A/n: this is mainly a flashback chapter, but it's still important to the plot. I don't add things for no reason.

It's a Stan and Michael chapter, but it explains how Michael felt about cheating on Pete before they broke up and how he felt about what he did to Pete.

This is also the longest chapter I've written in this so far.

Michael's POV

~The day Kyle skipped school after Stan yelled at him~

I looked both ways as cars passed the school. Just... Just one little step. I take a deep breath and was about to step into a road when I heard the bang of the school doors opening and closing. I watch the junior, Kyle, run away from the school and Eric Cartman follows close behind.

Just random nonsense. Maybe it's just a sign... I head to class and each one was more boring than the next. Much time soon comes around, and I head outside to the school loading dock where. I find it kinda weird, but hey how else is the school supposed to get their food supplies?

I sit against the wall and hug my knees. Last night was onw of the worst nights ever. Mom yelled at me, and complained about my grades. Also something about me needing a haircut.  Maybe she's right? Maybe I should just quit school and move to New York. Open a garage perhaps?

"Um Michael..." I looked up from my spot to see Stan Marsh. "Hey..."

"Hey Raven." I smirked remembering what we used to call him when I was in fifth grade. The rest of the gang and Stan were in fourth. "Why you out here?"

He sits next to me. His feet dangle off of the loading dock. "Just needed some fresh air." I scoot up a little so my feet are also dangling off. We sit in silance and every now and then I could feel the cold air nip at my neck. "You're gay... Right?"

"Yeah." I shrug, and look at him. He's looking at his feet, his face was blank mixed with a bored expression. "Got a problem with it?"

He shakes his head. "N-no... Just needed to confirm it... I have questions." He explained to me, and my interest has peaked. He looks at me filled with curiosity. His cheeks dusted pink from what I guessed was the cold air. "When did you realize you were gay?"

I blinked and then blinked again. "What?"

"Sorry! It's just I..." He looked back at his lap.

I sighed and decided to put him out of his misery. "I was fourteen. It was around the time of Wendy's party. Most people thought Pete and I were dating at the time, but we weren't. I actually had a major crush on a different boy. He didn't know of course, and he'll most likely never know. At first I didn't realize it, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. Then a dream happened wh-"

"Okay! I get the picture! I don't want to know about your sex dreams!" He blushed as he looked forward.

"It wasn't a sex dream. It was just a dream where I kissed him." I shrugged.

"Who was the boy?" He looked at me, and I bit my lip. "If you liked him for so long why not just tell him"

I smiled a little and patted his head. "'Cause I know he will not like the idea of me liking him." His eyes kept twinkling with curiosity. "What?"

"What's it like to kiss a guy?" He blurted out before blushing and looking away. "N-never mind! Forget I asked a-anything!"

He's going to hate me for what I'm about to do. I lightly grab his chin and made him look at me. I tilted my head to the side and kissed him. He didn't kiss back so I decided to pull away. I looked at him and he was a blushing mess. "Sorry Ma-"

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