Chapter 20

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Cartman's POV

I wish life was better for me. I guess you could say its karma is dealing with me after everything I've done.

I picked up my lunch tray, and walked over to my normal table. Stan was not there, Butters was on his phone messaging someone, and Kenny was picking at his food. Kyle was missing again.

"Where Kyle?" I asked, sitting down.

"Probably working on the school news paper again." Kenny told me.

"No... Jimmy said that newspaper is going to be down for a few weeks." Butters mentioned.

I looked at my tray. "Hes still avoiding me." I mumbled and Kenny looked up from his food at me and Butters looked away from his phone. "I know I just talked to him about it this morning, but.... I really thought he may believed me."

"Well Eric y-" Butters stop, but I look at him. He quickly closes his mouth.

"Cartman you need to actually speak with him." Kenny told me.

"I did." I replied, and he shook his head. "What? I did!"

"Did not. I saw you telling him that what you said at the dance is true. He told you to stop, and you left." Kennny stated before grabbing his lunch sack and leaving the room.

"What's with him?" I asked and Butters shrug.

"He's been acting strange since the dance." Butters explained. I nodded and looked back at my tray noticing something was off. "Something wrong?"

"Have you seen my debate ring?" I asked showing it was gone. It's always on my finger and I rarely take it off. It was a ring I got from joining the debate club. Butters shakes his head.  I look back at my hand. This is really strange. I don't remember taking it off.

"All students please report to the gym for the memorial service of Katie Gelson." I let out a sigh and stand up with Butters. We make our way to the gym which was already almost full. I saw Stan and Kenny. We walked over sitting with them

"Where's Kyle?" Butters ask, and Stan pointed at three people. Kyle, Pete Thelman, and Henrietta Biggle. "Oh..."

"This time it isn't Stan hanging out with the goth kids." Kenny chuckled.

"Geez Kenny that was one time!" Stan hissed. Kenny and Butters started laughing and I started to mentally panic. Was Kyle really going to leave all of us for the goth kids? Was he that mad at me?

"Students please settle down. As you all know a new villain of South Park has arrived. The Vampire Of South Park. They seem to be targeting the vampire students, but the cops wants everyone to be indoors before nine o'clock at night." The principal explained. Everyone started whispering. "The latest victim was the eleventh grader, Katie Gelson."

A picture was shown of the seventeen year old on a projector. I glanced at the vampire kids to see them look down in sadness. They were all there besides the two that died and Mike Makowski.

"Now a few words from Mike Makowski. A friend of Katie." The principal motioned for the black and green haired teenage boy.

The boy took the microphone from the principal, and looked at everyone. "I knew Katie since elementary school. We had the same friend group and we were practically family. Death is something no one should take lightly, and I just want you to know that once the killer is found there will be justice." Everyone was silent. "From the cops of course."

After he was done speaking Mike walked back to his seat and sat down. People, mainly the vamp kids, spoke about Katie, and what they remember about her.

I looked over to see Kyle and Pete laughing about something. It made my heart hurt. They must really get along... "Hey Ke-" I looked over to see Kenny close to crying. "Kenny?"

I looked in the direction he was looking to see Craig and Tweek hugging. Kenny stood up and started leaving the gym. Craig saw him leave.

Kenny's POV

I'm so fucking stupid! I so fucking stupid. Of course he would get back together with Tweek. But at a memorial service? Wrong time to do that... We haven't really spoken since the day after the dance.... The morning after we... Ugh I need to stop thinking about that!

I ran into the dance room. I let out a sigh and took my jacket off before turning on the CD player. I took a deep breath and let the music come over me. I heard the music and started to dance with the rhythm. I tried to let all of my stress leave my body.

"Kenny why would you try something like?!" Craig yelled at me.

"I thought... I thought that this time I might actually die." I replied looking at my hospital bed sheets.



I opened my eyes and saw myself in the dance room mirrors. I watched as the tears ran down my cheeks. I fell to my knees and faced the floor letting the tears fall. "Why?" I choked out. "Why?"

"Kenny?" I looked over to the door with the tears still falling to see Craig. For once he looked like he actually had some emotion. It reminded me of this past summer. He walked over to me and fell to his knees.

"Crai-" I get cut off by him hugging me tightly.

"Please don't cry because of me Kenny." Craig whispered. "You shouldn't cry because of me." I hug him back just as tightly as he was.

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