Chapter 6

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"No Kenny!" I rolled my eyes as I heard Cartman yell. "We are not watching that."

"Aw come on." Kenny chuckles as he held up the dvd case. He suggested watching Fifty Shades Of Grey. "It's just." He took the dvd out, and placed it in the dvd player. The screen showed... "Scooby Doo 2."

"I will kill you if you try that again." Cartman glared. Kenny just rolled his eyes, and sat between me and Craig.

I was some how able to get the popcorn bowl away from Cartman, and Stan was busy texting Wendy. Craig was basically already almost asleep, Tweek was sipping his coffee, Token was eating some candy, and Clyde... He didn't show up.


At the moment we were all in the living room. Kenny, Craig, Tweek, and I sat on the floor. Stan, Cartman, and Token sat on the coach behind us.

"This movie sucks." Cartman muttered.

"I agree." Stan states.

"But... It's one of the actual good ones." Kenny muttered.

"Name one good part." Craig told him.

"Later after Shaggy and Scooby see that guy Velma likes who was just moments before acted mean is all nice. Then Shaggy says "Hey we got to be like your personality, and split." Kenny shrugged as he glued his eyes to the TV. Everyone stayed silent. "What?" Kenny looked at us.

"Dude what the fuck?" Stan asked.

Kenny looked like he was about to answer when I saw Ike walk down the stairs. He started walking to the front door. "Ike? Where you going?" I asked.

"Um going to a friends house." He replied.

"Do I know this friend?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Yes." Ike quickly replied as he walked out of the house.

"That could have gone better." I mumbled.

"It could also have gone worse." Cartman chuckled.

"Let's play truth or dare." Token suggested, and everyone looked at him. "What?"

"Truth or dare?" Stan questioned. "Isn't that like childish?"

Token shrugged. "Yeah let's play truth or dare." Kenny grinned. "Kyle truth or dare."

I thought for a moment. If I pick dare who knew what Kenny would come up with. If I chose truth same result. "Uh truth?"

"Is it true Ike has a crush on the goth kid Firkle?" Kenny asked, and I nodded.

"Gaayyyy." Cartman laughed.

"You're gay for saying that." Craig stated.

"I'm gay for saying that? Dude you actually are gay!" Cartman replied, and Craig shrugged.

"Uh Stan truth or dare?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"I guess dare." He told me.

"I dare you to..." I thought for a moment again. What could I dare him to do? "I dare you to text Wendy that you like to crossdress."

Stan groaned, but texted her anyway. Moment went by before he got a text. "She said she is oaky with me borrowing her clothes." Stan mumbled. Everyone started laughing.


"Okay okay yeah it's true I USED to wet the bed." Stan stated. "Kyle truth or dare?"

"Ew gross man." I chuckled. "Truth."

"What's your sexuality?" I froze. Yes I could lie, but Kenny would know I am. I know he wont tell, but if I lie to them wouldn't I also be lying to myself? "Kyle?"

"Huh? Oh uh sorry... I'm-" I was cut off by Kenny choking. Craig quickly started patting him on the back, and Kenny coughed up a piece of popcorn.

"Thanks! Anyway Craig truth or dare?" Kenny asked.

"Oh uh truth." Craig replied.

"Did you send Kyle those love letters?" Tweek instantly looked at Craig who shook his head.

"No I didn't. I'm with Tweek, and if I wasn't he really isn't my type." Craig explained as he hugged Tweek. Cartman gagged a little, and Craig flipped him off.

"Who is your type then?" Stan asked.

"Blondes." Craig replied. I saw Kenny smile a little.

After truth or dare everyone started to fall asleep. It was around 3am when I heard someone in the kitchen. I sat up, and saw the kitchen light on. Did someone break in? That's when I noticed Cartman was gone.

I sighed, and got up. I walked into the kitchen, and saw Cartman drinking some milk. "Hey Cartman."

Cartman glanced up at me, and then at his milk. "Hey Kyle." He mumbled sadly. Did he just say my name correctly? "K-kyle." I heard Cartman's voice crack, and that's when I noticed he was crying.

"Cartman?" Walked up to him, and stood next to him. I actually was a little worried for once. "What's wrong."

"Do you think dreams come true?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Like nightmares and stuff?"

"Well some dreams do come true if you work hard enough, but nightmares usually don't." I explained, and Cartman nodded. "Why?"

Cartman placed his cup in the sink, and was about to leave the room. He stops in the doorway. "Just a thought." He walked back into the living room.

Next Day

"Good morning South Park!" Kenny chuckled.

"Shut up."

"To early."

"Fuck off."

Different people groaned. I saw Kenny pout as he walked out of the kitchen with a plate full of pancakes. "Are those pancakes?"  Cartman asked.

Kenny nodded, and everyone went into the kitchen to eat. Kenny made pancakes, Craig fell asleep, Tweek was making coffee, Stan was texting Wendy, Cartman was eating, and I was drinking some milk.

"So what's are you guys doing today?" I asked. Most of them shrugged. Probably not knowing what they were going to do. Today was Saturday so school was out of the question.

"I'm forced to take Ruby to ballet practice." Craig mumbled.

Tweek nodded. "I-i h-have w-w-work."

"Got to visit some family members." Stan stated.

"Spending the day with Karen." Kenny smiled. He really cared about his sister.

"Got to go to the theater." Token shrugged.

Everyone looked at Cartman. He was still stuffing his face with pancakes. He slowly looked up at us. His mouth was full. "What?"

"What are doing today?" Stan asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Probably planning some scam with Butters."

After a few hours of video games and soda everyone left. Cartman yawned a little, and walked out the front door. The others were already gone, and Cartman started walking to Butters' house. Something seemed off about him.

Little did I know the day was going to get weirder.

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