Chapter 16

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A/N: This is going to be really short.

Did I hear Cartman right?

Did Eric Cartman just say he loved me? "What?"

"I said I love you Kyle." Cartman blushed. He fucking blushed. Then I realized something. How did I not notice it before? He's been acting strange recently and different. All of the clues were there right? Right?! "Kyle?"

"Leave me alone Cartman, and stop pulling this type of prank." I told him right before tears started falling down my cheeks. "J-just leave me th-the f-fuck alone." I told him once more before running out of the school. There's no way he was actually telling the truth. 

He just had to be lying... Like always.

I didn't know where I was running to until I got there. Home... And my parents' car was in the driveway. 

They're home.

Kenny's POV

I watched as Kyle ran out of the school in tears, and Cartman followed him. I let out a small sigh. Life has been shit recently, hasn't it? I looked around the room, and saw things. This I probably wouldn't see before. Bebe and Wendy dancing, Clyde and Token making-out (knew I should have spiked the punch), Stan talking to a blushing goth kid, Craig crying, an- Wait...


I walked over to him, and he was sitting against the wall. "Craig?"

"What do you want Kenny." Craig huffed as he flipped me off. I sat next to him, and handed him a tissue. "Um thanks."

"What's wrong Craig?" Craig looked around, and stood up. He motioned for me to follow him so I did. We walked out of the school, and into the parking lot to his car. he unlocked it, and the two of us got in. "Now Craig what's wrong?"

"Tweek is thinking about breaking up with me." He stated getting a beer bottle out from behind his seat. He handed it to me, and grabbed himself another one. 

I was confused. "Why would Tweek want to break up with you? You're amazing." I smiled weakly. 

Craig stared at me for a few moments, and let out a small sigh. He took a sip of his beer, and looked at the steering wheel. "I guess Tweek just doesn't think that anymore." I felt my heart shatter. Craig really does love Tweek, and Tweek is thinking about breaking up with him. He's thinking about destroying Craig's happiness. "Do you remember what happened this past summer?"

I nodded. I'll always remember. "Yeah, why?"

"That was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. Not me saving you part, but... Afterwards." Craig explained as I felt my heart shatter even more. "I think I'll be done with dating for a while after Tweek..."

"I love you Craig." I told him without thinking, and I felt icy chapped lips land on my own. 

Kyle's POV

I felt my heart sink into my chest. I walked into my house to see my mom yelling at Ike and Firkle. "Do you realize how shocked we were to see you two doing that?!" Mom yelled, and dad stood there awkwardly. "Ike you are not old enough to do things like that!"

"But M-" Ike got caught off when he saw me. "Hey Kyle."

Mom turned around, and hugged me tightly. "Aw I missed you so much Kyle!"

"Mom what happened? Why were you yelling at Ike?" I asked really confused. Mom rarely yells at him. It's mainly me and my friends she yells at. 

"We walked into the house, and boom! There he was on the sofa kissing that book!" She pointed at Firkle. I noticed how he hid a little bit behind Ike. Not so tough now huh?

"Mom it was just one kiss! I really like Firkle! I know exactly what I'm doing, and if you don't want me to date a boy then fine! You don't want me to, but I will anyway!" Ike yelled at her, and mom looked shocked.

"Ike... You think I'm upset because he's a boy?" Ike nodded slowly a little confused about her asking. "Ike no that wasn't why I was mad. I'm just overprotective of you and your brother. I don't care if you like a guy or not as long as you're happy."

"Okay who are you, and what did you do with our mother?" Ike and I said in unison. 

Mom rolled her eyes, and brought us into a group hug. She tried to get Firkle in on the hug, but he shook his head. "I got to go." He gave Ike a quick hug, and started to leave. "Bye Ike, and his family."

"Bye Georgie." Ike waved, and I looked at him confused. Did he just call his boyfriend someone else's name? "What it's his real name." Ike replied, and I nodded. Today was kinda a good day, but the I frowned remembering what happened at the dance. Two guys confessed their love to me, and I'm sure one was lying. 

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