Chapter 47

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A/n: so I want to remind you all that all characters I added have a purpose and most of the things they say mean something. May it be good, bad, or neutral.

Also who was sad I killed Butters off? And the fact Craig had beated Stan up?

Also you all are going to hate me this chapter.

Kyle's POV

"Kyle did you kill someone?" Cartman asked me. He probably thinks I'm like Butters now. I shake my head. "Then why the fuck were you hiding a dead body?!"

"It's not a dead body!" I glared. Kenny saw his cue to leave, but I wish he didn't. "It's just I-"

"Kyle tell me please." Cartman's voice turned softer. "Just please tell me what happened in that picture. If it's not a dead body than what is it?"

"..." I stayed silent. Cartman shook his head before leaving. He stopped when he reached the shed's door. "Tell me when you feel like you can trust me." He walked out into the rain and I hugged me knees. It wasn't a dead body... I know that... The other person in the picture knows that. But can I really tell Cartman what happened that night? I kept my head in my knees and felt the tears falls.

"Kyle? What's wrong?" I looked up seeing Ezra kneeling in front of me. Why was he here? "Your mom said you were back here. I came by to give you something as a thank you, but really what's wrong?" He looked really worried.

"I... I-" I don't know. I just cry evene more and rest my ehad on my knees as Ezra hugs me tightly. "I-i-i-"

"Shh shh. It's alright Kyle. It will all be alright." He rubs my back. He starts rocking us back in forth. "Hush now my baby. Be still love, don't cry." He started humming and I looked at him. "What?"

"Out of all the songs you could sing you just had to sing a song from The Prince of Egypt." I stare. I am not amused.

"Oh shut it!" He chuckles and continues to hug me.

I smile a little amd feel how warm he is. "Thanks Ezra."

Michael's POV (didn't expect that huh?)

I open my the front door and look around. I let out a small sigh. Good my annoying birth givers are not here. They would go ballistic, and mom would start yelling at him and then me. I look at Stan who was still bleeding.

I drag him upstairs to the bathroom and he sits on the toilet. I looked at his bruises and his bleeding nose. Even though he was extreamly injured he was still the cute questioning boy I kissed that one day.

I shake my head and start looking through the bathroom cabinet for bandaids and something to clean his wounds. After I found everything I needed I started to clean his cuts. Every now and then he hisses in pain. "How did you even get like this?"

"Your ex boyfriend's body guard." Stan mumbled.

"I'm gonna kill Craig." I said without think and Stan looked at me worryingly. I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry Stan. I didn't really mean that." I brush some hair behind his eat and he leans his face into my hand before closing his eyes.

We stayed like that for a few seconds before I shook my head again and started to work on this cuts once more. "Why did you hurt Pete... Like physically." I stopped what I was doing and stared the junior in the eyes. "Sorry... It's just you seem so kind to me except for that time at Cartman's party when I interfered. We were both drunk. Like the first time we did i-" He stops talking, and swallows hard.

I looked at the floor before looking at him in the eyes again. I squat down a little so I actually am face to face with him. "Stan, I have done things I regret deeply. I would do everything to take back what I did to Pete. All he did was worry about my mental and physical health, and all I did was lash out at him. Does that justify what I did? No. Do I ask for forgiveness? No. Do I wish to forget it happened? No. Why? Because if I forget it happened I would not know how to stop myself from it happening ever again."

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