Chapter 45

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Warning: Sad, suicide mention, and some other stuff.

The next morning it was all over the news. Butters suicide attempt or what I know it as his almost murder, and the six students from Rose Pine Catholic College mysterious disappearances.

"Roman Faithwoods, James Patricks, Marco Sampson, Phillip Liam, Mason Andrews, and Alex Romano have been officially confirmed as missing last night." I watched the TV. That was Ezra's school, and from what he told us; those were the same guys that played Cauldrons and Swords.

Butters haven't woken back up, and if he ever does I don't think I will be allowed to talk to him. Something has been crossing my mind though. "I'll be right back." I told my parents as I went up to my room. I need to find somethings out.

I sat at my desk, and turned my laptop on. What was the name of the military school? Oh yeah AlKlain Military School. I typed the school in, but found a different answer. I received more questions than anything else.

AlKlain Hospital for the Clinically Insane

I stared at it, and kept scrolling... Maybe... Just maybe... Ahah! After a little bit of scrolling I found the school website. I clicked on the link and saw the website. A phone number was on it, and I debated on calling... I let out a sigh and dial the number.

After a few rings someone picked up. "Hello?" A lady asked.

I cleared my throat. "Um yes I am." I turned around in my chair and my eyes landed on a Daniel Radcliff poster. "I am Daniel Michaels, and I am doing a school paper on a town mystery. Well a guy from town has been missing for a few years now. Does the name Al- Anthony Wolf sound familiar?"

A moment of silence before the lady told me to hold on for a moment. After a few minutes a male voice spoke. "Hello? You are asking about Anthony Wolf, right?"

"Yes sir. Can you tell me what you know about him?" I grabbed a notepad and pen. "Anything will help."

"Anthony was a good kid. He would never start a fight, and he was one of the kindest students this school had." The man told me.

I placed my phone down and put it on speaker. I grabbed a tape recorder and pushed record. "Um someone told me he was expelled... What was that about?"


"Sir?" I heard a thud. "Excuse me? Sir? Are you there?"

"Sorry. Had a sharp pain in my hand, and I dropped my phone. What did you ask?" The man asked me in a frantic manner.

"Why was Anthony expelled?" I repeated myself.

"Anthony Wolf was expelled for... After being caught with a cadaver." The man told me and I stared at my phone. A dead body? Why hasn't he been arrested by now?! "He stole it from another school. It was an anthropology school, and the person donated their body before they died." The man explained.

"Oh... Was he arrested?" I asked as I wrote a few things down.

"No." Why the hell not?! "Even though he was expelled, before we could place him in the hold of the cops he disappeared."

"Oh alright... Thank you sir." I wrote a few more things. "I have one more question. Did he ever play a game called Cauldrons and Swords?"

"Where did you hear that from?" The man asked. He sounded angry.

"Um it was written on a paper that was found in his jacket." I quickly lied.

"He's playing again..." The man trailed off. "I have to go, but before I go I have a question of my own."

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