Q&A Answers

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Okay so most questions are from miaXD40 and two of their questions were actually from May. So here are their questions

Did you originally have a different storyline for this book?

Did you have different endings in mind when you first started this?

Kinda yes and yes. As I kept writing I actually added a few characters like Pete, Pete's dad, Diana, and Ezra. So yeah you guys almost didn't get any Stan X Pete moments. It was also supposed to end after they found the killer, buuuut I decided to keep writing. So I did!

So I scrapped the original ending where you found out the killer, and now I have three new ending ideas. If you want me to I can publish all three :D

miaXD40 also asked what is my favorite South Park character and are there any other fandoms I'm interested in. Okay first off I have a few favorite South Park characters and fandoms. First of the characters not in order.







MIchael (Sorry I'm doing you so dirty in this T_T)



And a few others. I can't just pick one.

Now with the fandoms I have way too many to list. You can take a look at my account to have some idea of some of the fandoms, but there are a lot more.

Abelhasapotato asks "Favorite South Park episode?"

Did give you a quick answer, I have no clue. Maybe Cartman FInds Love??? Again not so sure. I love a lot of the episodes so it is really hard to pick just one

KyoDempsey asks, "What's your sexuality?"


The fact that you asked that moments after I came out to my mom terrified me!!!!!

........................I'm pan..

I'm going to do a part two of this Q&A, and you know what? This time make the questions interesting! I don't care if they are very personal. I just like answering questions. Plus I want to see what your creative minds come up with :D

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