Chapter 49

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Warning: Huge amount of homophobia, bullying, death threats, mentions of Hitler and Nazis.

Also some sexual stuff.

Please please please comment on this chapter! I want to know what you think!

Kyle's POV

"Chicken or beef?" I asked Ezra as I sipped my milkshake. He sat across from me eating his fries. It was the day after the whole shed thing. We decided to go to a diner near Ezra's college ans to ask each other questions. I guess it's his way to chear me up.

"Beef. I like burgers." He shrugged. He popped another fry into his mouth and swallowed. "So... How's Pete holding up."

I look at my shake before back to him. What am I supposed to say? Pete basically lives with Henrietta now and only talks to her, Firkle, Craig, and myself. "Um he's still upset." I tell him. I told Ezra about wbat Stan had done. I also told him about my pictures.

He nods and points at something. I look and didn't see anything. When I looked back he was dipping a fry into my milkshake. "Hey! That's mine!"

"Mine now." He smiles, but it soon fades as the bell that announces that people come in rang. "Shit." He whispered.

"What?" I start to look at the door, but Ezra grabs my hand. I looked at our then him. "Ezra what's wrong?"

"Don't look over there." His hand retreated to his side. "Some homophobic assholes from my English class just walked in..." He scratched his ear a little. Recently I've noticed he does that when he's nervous.

"Oh." I nodded in understatement. I did see the guys he was talking about from the reflection of the window. There was three of them. All three were chatting and sat in a booth until one looked over at us.

They stood up and started walking over. "Kyle... They're coming over." Ezra whispered and he looked super nervous.

"Hey if it isn't Hitler reincarnated." One of the guys pulls a chair over and the other two sits next to me and Ezra.

Ezra chuckled nervously clearly uncomfortable. "Heh very... Very funny Morgan."

"So this your boyfriend?" 'Morgan' looked at me and stole Ezra's plate of fries.

"Come on Morgan..." The guy that was next to Ezra whispered. He was facing the table, but was glancing at Morgan. "Just because he-"

"If he's not your boyfriend tthan who are you fucking around with fag?" Morgan smirked and the guy next to me stole my milkshake. The guy next to Ezra kept facing the table. What was so interesting about the table.

"Last time I checked I'm not a British cigarette or a bundle of sticks." Ezra glared a sat uncomfortable. I chuckled a little at his comment.

Morgan glared at me, and then looked at the guy next to Ezra. "Hey Tal, go get my wallet out of my car." Tal quickly got up and left the building. The guy next to me also got up when Morgan's name was called. Morgan rolled his eyes and looked us. "See you later." He got up and left with his takeout.

Ezra and I sat in silence until I heard Ezra whisper. "He took my fries..." The two of us broke out into laughter. "Heh sorry about them..."

I take his hand and rub his knuckles lightly. He's helped me so it's my turn to help him. "Ezra there's no need to be sorry for those guys. Morgan seems like an asshole." He nodded in agreement. We just stared at each other and then I cleared my throat. "Hey... Um... Is it true though?"

"Is what true?" He tilted his head to the side and it kinda reminded me of a lost or confused puppy.

"Are you gay?" He blinked and continued to stare at me. "Uh sorry... I didn't mean for-"

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