Chapter 14

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Samuel's glasses⬆️

A/n: Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar typos. Please comment and vote. Also a little crossover is in this...

Also if you like IT i got a book out for it.

Earlier that summer (Cartman's POV)

"Ugh why did we have to do this?" I complained to Stan and Kyle. Kenny wasn't able to come with us.

"You didn't have to Fatass." Kyle told me. "You wanted to be a junior camp counselor with us."

"It's stupid though." I whined.

"You're the one who's stupid." Kyle fired back.

"Guys shut up." Stan hissed as he tried to concentrate on something.

"Sorry Stan." Kyle tells him. I look around the camp. It really was stupid.

"Hey you must be the new junior camp counselors." A lady with light blue hair waved at us. "I'm Nikki."

"I'm Max, and I was tricked into this job." A man with black hair and a blue hoodie that was next to Nikki nodded.

"Anyway two of you will be in charge of two cabins while the other one will help out the camp's nurse." Nikki stated.

"Alright Marsh, Stan." Max looked at his clipboard. "You will be in charge of Cabin 17, Cartman, Eric will be in charge of Cabin 13, and Broflovski, Kyle will help our nurse."

"Hope the kids won't kill you." Nikki smiles.

"Excuse me?" Kyle questioned.

"Hey Alex get back here! Step away from the poisonous tree frog! I called dibs on it already!"  Nikki ignored Kyle's question, and ran over to a ten year old boy.

"It's only two weeks right?" Kyle asked Stan.

"No all summer." He replied.

"Oh Lord."

A few days later

"Micha I told you not to touch that." I tried to get an axe away from the ten year old.

"You look like you need help." A pale girl with black curly hair, and old nerdy glasses spoke up. She looked to be about 16 or 17.

"No I got this." I stated right as the little kid let go, and ran off to their friends. "Phew I hate kids."

"You learn to love them. I'm Samuel." The 'girl' stated putting their hand out for me to shake. Except this wasn't a girl, but a boy.

"Um I'm Eric, but people call me Cartman." I tell Samuel.

"Alright Eric." Samuel smirks.

Back to the now.
(Still Cartman's POV)

The rest of those camp days were filled with moonlight swims, unnoticed kisses, and secrets.

I couldn't believe the brown eyed boy who was my first (and only) boyfriend was standing in front of me. The only boy who actually seemed to care about me. The only boy wh-

"Who's this?" Samuel looked at Kyle.

"Um my friend Kahl." I state.

"Oh yeah! I remember you talked about him." Samuel smiled as Kyle looked highly confused. "Im Samuel Eric's boy-" I quickly covered Samuel's mouth.

"Boy scout friend!" I finished.

Kyle looked confused. "Uh okay...? I'm going over there." He pointed to a bench a few yards away, and started walking away.

I looked at Samuel who glared up at me. "What are you doing here!?" I hissed. "You're supposed to be in Maine!"

"I moved here today" He crossed his arms. "I wanted to be near my boyfriend."

"Ex you mean." I told him.

"Actually no. We never officially broke up." Samuel stated.

My face went pale. "Samuel... I like someone else." I told him.

"That Kyle guy?" He questioned, and I looked away from him slowly nodding. "He seems nice, but do you really think he will like you after everything you did to him?"

I sighed. "Samuel don't you think I already know that? He most likely hates my fucking guts."

"Than why like him, and not me?" The raven haired boy asked.

"Because I love him." I replied, and felt pain go through my cheek. Samuel just hit me.

"He'll hate you asshole." He started walking away.

Kyle ran over. "Cartman! You okay?! What was that about!?"

"N-nothing..." I trailed off. "We need to work on our project... It's due tomorrow after all." Kyle nodded and we started walking to his house.

We worked on the project most of the day. When I went home I got out a pen and paper.

Dear Kyle,

I know the poem I'm about to write is from IT, but today I lack creativity to write you one of my own.

"Your hair is winter fire,
January embers,
My heart burns there too."

I hope your day is amazing. Better than mine.

~The Boy You'll Never Love

I cried remembering what Samuel said. Do you really think he will like you after everything you did to him?

Why must Samuel always be right?

A/n: Sorry this was a short chapter.

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