Chapter 32

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A/n: Sorry if you guys hated the last two chapters ;-;
Also sorry if the last chapter was a little confusing. Also this one is a little short, but super important.

Outside the hideout with Ike and Kenny's dog.

"Soooo got any threes?" Ike asked the bloodhound. The dog woofed and Ike drew a card from a stack. The dog woofed again. "Go fish." The dog got a card with her mouth.

Cartman's POV

I watched Butters as he placed his cup down and walked around the desk. Tony ushered me in and shuts the door on his way out. "Take a seat Eric."

This wasn't my friend. There's no possible way it could be. Then one thought came through my head. "Where's Kyle?" He glanced at the glass cup. "Is that Kyle's blood?! You killed him didn't you?!"

"Calm down Eric. Yes it's his blood, but no he's not dead. Yet at least." Butters chuckled darkly.

"What the fuck do you mean Butters!?" I walked closer to him. My fists clenched. "Where the fuck is he?!"

Butters rolled his eyes. "Does it matter?"

"Hell yeah it does! How could you even do this?!" I yelled at him stepping closer to him. "Where did you put him?" I hissed.

"I put him somewhere you'll never find him." Butters smirked.

I glanced around before pointing. "Is he in the closet?"

"Wha?! Of course not! I'm smarter than you think you know!" Butters' ands hit the desk in front of it. The blood in his glass moved a little. No... Kyle's blood.... "Kyle at the moment is... How can I put this?"

Butters looked deep in thought. He seemed distracted. Then I heard a click. "P-p-put your hands up Butters!" I turned around to see a wet and bleeding Kyle in the doorway pointing a gun at Butters.

Earlier Kyle's POV

I couldn't see anything. I felt my hands and wrists bound to the chair I was sitting in with rope. I was blindfolded and I couldn't hear anything. Something though was making my feet wet though. "To bad we have to do this Kyle. We could have been good together." I heard Tony's voice. "Have to go though. Your friends are causing some trouble." Stan!?

I struggled and I heard people walk away. I was pretty sure that some type of liquid was on the ground from the sound of their footsteps and the fact my feet were wet. It was freezing too. What happened to my shoes? I tried to get my hands out of the ropes, but nothing was working.

Then that's when I heard the sound of rushing water. I felt whatever was covering my feet raising. The room was being filled with what hoped was water. Or at least I think it was a room... The ground under me felt like tile.

I bushed my feet trying to get my socks off. I felt chains brush against my foot and that made me realize the chair I was in was chained to the ground. My blood ran cold, and I remembered what Butters did to me. I tried to raise my hand to my neck forgetting it was tied to the chair's armrest.

A million thoughts were going through my head. First off Stan, Kenny, and... And Cartman were here... A weak smile crossed my lips, but then I frowned. I won't let them get hurt especially Stan and Cartman. I heard a bang in the distance and I got worried. Right after I heard someone scream out. It sounded like Craig. I have no way out of this.

The water was raising faster and faster until the water was to my hands. I felt like crying. I have no way have saving my love ones. I kept struggling to get out until I felt my right hand slip out of the ropes. I quickly took my blindfold off and looked around to see I was in the deep end of a pool, and the water was quickly raising.

As fast as I could I untiled my other hand and held my breath so I could untie my ankles. At this point the water was already to my shoulders

I swam to the more shallow end of the pool and climbed out. I felt that I was still bleeding from what Butters did. I didn't care though I needed to save my friends. I went in the direction I heard the screams, but the closer I got the louder I heard something else.


I tried my best to be silent and followed the crying. I showed up outside a room that was slightly ajar. I saw Craig's back and he had someone's head in his lap. "K-kenny!" I heard Craig cry. "It should have been me! I love you Kenny!"

"Get up." I saw Alastor stand next to them. A gun was in his hand that was pointing at the ground. His back was also facing me. I noticed a large walk and snuck up behind the teacher's assistant and hit the rock against his head.

Quickly after he tumbled down. Craig faced me and that's when I saw a dying Kenny cradled in his lap. Craig was crying and I didn't know how to react. I grabbed the gun Alastor was holding and checked it for bullets. "C-craig I know you are upset, but tie Alastor up and search him for a phone. Get yourself and Kenny out of here and call the cops." I told him calmly. He nodded and I left the room.

My body was shaking, but I needed to find my friends. I walked down the hall and heard Craig shuffling. I kept walking and was about to turn the next corner until I saw a plaque on the wall.


Was this place made during the Cold War? Something was unsettling about this place...

I kept walking until I saw Tony standing infront of a door like he was keeping watch. I held my breath, aimed, and took my shot. Tony screamed in pain, and I saw that I shot his shoulder. "Sir! Someone is- shit I forgot the room is soundproof." He started looking for a key and held onto his shoulder and I walked up behind him and held the gun against his head, my hands shaking.

He stopped. "Give me the keys." Tony did. "Walk to the end if the hall, turn left, and stay there. No matter what you hear don't come running and don't leave or I swear to all things holy I will fucking kill you."

He quicklt nodded and began running down the all. I tried my best to find the right key and opened the door. Cartman was in the room with Butters and I felt my heartache.

"P-p-put your hands up Butters!" I pointed the gun at Butters and they both looked at me. Cartman looked like he saw a ghost and Butters slowly raised his hands. A small smile playing at his lips. "C-cartman move." He did and I moved closer to Butters.

"I see you were able to brake free." Butter chuckled. Something really seemed off about this place. Butters glanced at something amd I looked to see he was glancing at a TV.

I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and looked back at Butters to see his hand clutching a knife that was deep in my shoulder. "Kyle!" Butters pulled the knife out and Cartman tackled him they were fight as I held on to my shoulder. I started having trouble seeing from the loss of blood from right now and earlier.

"Shit!" I looked at the two fighting and I tumbled down from the lack of blood and the sight infront of me. The knife that Butters used to stab me with is now stuck poking out of his right eye socket.

"Shot him Kyle!" Cartman yelled as he tried to keep Butter from getting up. My hands were shaking and pointed the gun at Butters the best I could, and at that exact moment the cops came in.

The bang from the gun rang out through the room. That sane bang silenced the room, and a thud soon followed. My sight was still blurry, but I saw the situation in front off me clearly.

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