Chapter 17

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Kyle's POV

Here2Help: Kyle? Can we talk?


Here2Help: Kyle? Do you hate me that much?


Here2Help: I'm sorry I'm not the man you want. Heck I shouldn't even call myself that after how I treated you.


I glared at my phone. Why is he messaging me so damn early? He's just messing with me. He's got to be, right? Right. I let out a sigh, and look at my bedroom ceiling. I placed my pillow on my face, and screamed into it.

I heard a knock on my door. "Kyle? You alright?" I heard my mom ask through the door.

I let out a small sigh. "I'm... I'm okay mom." I got up, walking over to my desk. I sat in the spiny chair, taking a deep breath. What the fuck am I going to do?

The dance was last night. I just can't face him. Cartman lied, and the result is pain. Since when was he ever nice to me?! When fid he even show he cared?!

"Kyle." I feel a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright." That's when I notice I'm actually crying.

Cartman hugs me, and for once I'm happy he's near me.

I shook my head trying to get that out of my head. I need to go for a walk. I went downstairs to see Ike and Firkle laughing over something on Ike's phone.

I rolled my eyes, and headed outside. I wish someone could be though for me like that. Sometimes it even feels like Stan isn't my friend anymore. He's been distant.

I just wish someone would help me show which way to go in life. I just wish someone would be my side and encourage me. I just wish someone c-

"Watch out!" I feel someone pick me up, and running off to the side of tje road. "Are you guys?! You could have gotten hit by that car!"

Car? What car? I notice a car passing by. I looked at the person who still had me in their arms. The guy was pretty tall, had brown eyes, pale skin, short wave brown hair, and glasses. He looked really worried.

"C-can you put me down?" I squeaked out as blush made its way dusting my cheeks.

The guy nodded, and put me down. "You okay though right? Not shaken up or anything?" I nodded my head. "Good. Now, what were you thinking?!"

Is this guy literally yelling at me after saving my life? "Thanks?" I avoided the subject.

"You're welcome, but please explain why you walked into the street? You could have gotten hit if it wasn't for me." The guy crossed his arms.

"I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I confessed to my savior.

The guy's face softened. "Something bothering you?" I nodded, and guy sighed. "Come with me." He motioned for me to follow, and for some stange reason I did. We walked over to Starks pond, and we sit on a bench that was near by under a tree. Many of its leaves were already gone. "Now tell Fable what's bugging you."

"Fable?" I asked.

"My name." He replied giving me a bright smile. "You can tell me anything, and I won't judge." He shrugged.

Can I really trust someone I just met? Well he did save me from that speeding car so yes?

I sit next to Fable on the bench. "Well I'm gay." I started.

Fable chuckled. "That's it?"

I send him a small glare. "No, it's just for a couple weeks now I've been getting these letters, and they were really nice. I thought they were from a nice person too."

"And it turned out to be a two faces jackass?" Fable asked, and I nodded trying not to laugh. "Well how do you know for sure thats the real them? They could have many sides to them. Kind and mean, rude and polite, demon and angel. The list goes on."

"Cartman is not like that." I tell him, and he nods. He soon stands up.

"Well if you ever need someone to talk to here's my card." He hands me a small card.

Fable Alastor


I took it, and looked up at him. "You have your own card?" I chuckle.

He shrugs. "You never know when you might need to give someone your number."

I watched him walk away. He seems like a pretty cool guy.

Kenny's POV

I stretched as I looked around the room I was in. It didn't look like mine. I felt the blankets move a little, and that's when I realized someone was in the bed with me. I glanced over, and saw ink black hair.

I felt my cheeks heat up. I'm in a bed with who I am hoping to be Craig. I quickly looked around the room, and noticed my pants in the floor. My face grew darker.

I felt an arm go over my lap. I looked over to see Craig opening his eyes. When he saw me his eyes widened, and he fell out of the bed. Right after he stood up, and I blushed. He grabbed a towel that was on the floor, and wrapped it around his waist.

"What the hell Kenny?!" He whisper shouted at me. "How did you get the fuck into my bed?!"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" I replied as I grabbed my boxers and pants out of the floor, quickly putting them on.

"Fuck if Twerk finds out then he really is going to break up with me." Craig sits down putting his face in his hands.

"I thought he already did!" Oh shit I'm a homewrecker.

"No I said he's thinking about breaking up with me." Craig replied looking for his pants. "Last night was a mistake just like this past summer."

I nodded. Don't cry Kenny. Don't fucking cry. "Craig? Y-you in th-there?"

Craig give me a terrified look. "Get in the closet." He mouthed.

"What?" I mouth.

"Ugh." He pointed to his closet, and I got in. I peeked through the cracks to see he's opening the door. "Hey Tweek. What are you doing here?"

"C-can I c-come I-in? We n-need to t-talk." Craig moves out of the way, and Tweek walks in. "Craig... About what I said y-yesterday... I-i w-wasn't th-thinking, b-but I s-still like y-you... I j-just don't think we should be together anymore."

"You're breaking up with me?" Craig asks, and Tweek nods looking like he's about to cry. "What Tweek?"

Tweek takes a deep breath, and looks into Craig's eyes. "You were the only person i ever dated that I actually count. There's more people out there." He didn't stutter, kissed Craig's cheek, and walked out of the room.

Craig looked down as the door from downstairs could be heard closing. Craig punched the wall with tears going down his cheeks. "Get the fucking hell out of here Kenny!"

I came out of the closet, and walked over to Craig. "Cr-"

"I said get the fuck out of here!" He turned to me, and he looked heartbroken. He must be. He was crying, and there was only one thing I could do. I hugged him. He feel to his knees, but I kept hugging him.

I'm not leaving him. I'd rather die everyday instead of leaving him.

I've never seen him so upset.

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