Chapter 10

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Kyle's POV

It's lunch time, and I looked around the lunchroom. Cartman... No Eric... Cartman. Ugh I don't know anymore! Cartman was sitting alone. Kenny walks over to him, but soon sees Craig and drags him out of the room.

I haven't seen Tweek since this morning, Stan was sitting with Wendy, Butters was in the computer lab finishing a late assignment, and again Cartman was sitting alone. "Hey Kyle." Tony walks up to me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine Tony." I keep staring at Cartman as he picks at his food. Tony looks at him, and huffs. "What?" I look at him.

"He's pimping himself out Kyle." Tony says. I remember Cartman told me earlier that it's not true, but for some reason it felt like he was lying. "You can't trust him. You saw the message."

I nodded as he mentioned the text on Cartman's phone. Maybe Tony is right... "Maybe..." I looked down at my lunch.

"Come on I need to talk to Wendy and Bebe." Tony pulls me over to them and Stan. Tony holds me close, and for some reason I blush. He's to close...and smells good...

"I can't believe it." Bebe huffs. "He's pimping himself out. Can we really allow him to go to homecoming?"

"He already bought a ticket." Wendy replies. "Actually he bought two."

"I wonder why he needs two." Stan wonders.

"He'll probably forget where he puts the first one so he decided to buy another just in case. He keeps forgetting things." I state as I play with my food. Everyone looks at me. "What?"

"How do you know that? I'm also his friend, and i didn't know that." Stan states.

"Because Stan i pay more attention to things." I stated.

Tony glanced at me. I could tell something was off about him. "You going with anyone Kyle?"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Homecoming. You going with anyone?" Tony repeats.

I blush again. "No." I replied. "I have to go though because the school paper thing."

"And class president thing." Wendy mentioned.

"Oh shit I totally forgot about that." I replied.

"How can you forget something like that?" Stan asks.

I shrug. "A lot of stuff has been happening recently."

"FIGHT!" A random kid yelled in the cafeteria. Everyone looks at them. "A FIGHT OUTSIDE!"

Everyone runs outside to the front of the school. Craig had Kenny pinned against the wall. "Take that back!"

"I didn't say anything!" Kenny grins.

"Why the hell are you grinning!?" Craig glares at him. "What's wrong with you?!"

Everyone watched them whispering. What the fuck is going on?

Craig looks like he's about to punch him. "Go ahead Craig!" Kenny yells at him. "Punch me!"

Craig keeps glaring at him, and his fist hits starts moving toward him. It lands next to Kenny's head against the brick wall. "Leave Kenny. Leave me the fuck alone." Craig mumbles, but Kenny and I heard him.

Kenny doesn't move for a second. He soon smirks. "Sure Fucker." He walks past Craig. His shoulder hitting the raven haired boy. Craig glances at everyone. "What?!" Everyone looks away, and walks back inside.

I follow Kenny to the dance club room. He's stretching and doing some ballet warmups. "If you want to talk Kyle then talk." The blonde huffs.

"Why was Craig so mad at you?" I asked him, and he freezes. He them chuckles. "Kenny?"

"I just said the wrong thing at the wrong time." He stated. He does a few moves, and the intercom comes on.

"Excuse me students the rest of the day will be used to work either on clubs or homecoming. Goodbye." The intercom goes off.

I sit against the wall, and watch Kenny do warm ups. He's changed a bit over the years, but not as much as Cartman. I actually never noticed how graceful Kenny moves until now though. He seems to move like he's walking on air.

Like an angel falling from heaven.

Kenny walks over to a CD player. He pushes the play button, and looks at the mirrors that line on of the walls. He waits for a few seconds, and a K-pop song comes on. He dances to it, and even though the so g goes so quickly he still seems to move gracefully.

To be honest though I don't understand how he can like K-pop.

After he dances to a few different songs from different genres he walks over to me, sits next to me, and covers his face with a towel.

We just sit there in silence.

"Kyle." Kenny brakes the silence. "Have you ever been in love?"

"Uh no I don't believe so. Why?" I ask him confused.

"Just something has been bugging me. You know when I told you Craig was my type?" He asks taking the towel off of him, and looking at his lap. His blonde hair stuck to his forehead.

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked still confused.

"I was joking at the time.... But know..." Kenny looks away from his lap, and at the door. "It just hurts knowing he'll never like me." He hugs his knees.

"Kenny I-" I get cut off when I hear Kenny sniffing. "Kenny?" I make him look at me to see him crying. "Kenny w-"

"You don't understand how much it hurts Kyle." He cries, and he hugs me. He almost curls up in a ball, but it's hard for him to do because how we are sitting. "It hurts so fucking badly! All I ever hear is how he's perfect with Tweek. How they have a perfect relationship. How they deserve each other. It hurts knowing he'll never love me let alone like me!"

I rub his back. "Kenny... I don't know what to say... Craig and Tweek they-"

"I know.... They are meant to be." Kenny tries to stop crying. "I... I should just hide my feelings so he'll never know. I wouldn't want to mess up his perfect relationship."

I looked at Kenny as tears fell down his cheeks. I kept rubbing his back, and looked at the door. I saw a raven haired boy in a yellow and blue hat, blue jacket, and lip piercings looking right at us with a face of anger.

Craig fucking Tucker.

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