Chapter 27

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Cartman's POV
(Few minutes before he confessed)

"Cut the crap!" The cop before me slammed his hands on the metal table. "We know you did it! We got evidence!"

"I didn't kill them!" I yelled back. "I didn't even know them!"

"Then why did we have evidence that you threw a party last night where one of the victims were at!?" The cop pointed his finger angrily at me.

"A lot of people I didn't invite were there!" I yelled. "What evidence do you even have that shows in the killer?!"

The cop put a few photos on the table. One of which was a picture of that Larry guy in my basement. "He was found in your basement."

I stared at the cop. "I didn't do i-" I felt my left cheek sting. He fucking slapped me! "What the hell?!"

"We have the evidence Eric! We even have eye witnesses reporting that they saw you get into a fight with Larry last night! Same with Katie and Annie the night before they were found dead!" The cop glared at me. "You make me sick!"

Eye witnesses? As in more than one? "Sorry?" I was confused.

"Sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?" He kept glaring.

"You said eye witnesses." I told him. "Who are they?"

"They were anonymous. They said they wanted to keep their identity hidden because if you found out they didn't want to be next." The cop explained.

"Do you realize how sketchy that sounds?!" I asked frustrated. "Why in the fucking world would I kill them?! Yes Larry and I got into a fight last night, but we brushed it off! It was a miss understanding!"

I looked at the pictures the cop showed me. I saw Larry's dead body in my basement, markings on the guy, and my debate club ring. I saw the engravings on it that said E. Cartman.

"How do you explain that?!" He pointed at the ring.

"It went missing days ago!" I yelled back and the cop huffed.

"How convenient." He crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes before I felt another pain go through my left cheek. Instead of a slap it was a punch. I felt tears in my eyes. "Did you do it Eric?" The cop asked and I turned my head towards the mirror. I let out a helpless sigh. "Eric?" It felt like someone was watching me intensely.

I nodded. "I did it."

Although it is not true. If another murder happens they'll know I didn't do it! A cop came in and started taking me to a cell. "Eric!" I turned around and felt the cop pull me forward, but I kept looking back into the teary eyes of Kyle. "You liar! You didn't do it!"

I looked down and faced forward. I shouldn't resist. I must go calmly. They took me to my holding cell where I stayed for the night. I didn't sleep. I couldn't.

The next morning the last thing I thought would happen happened. "Cartman. You got a visitor."

I stared at the cop and I saw Butters next to him. "Butters?" I was hoping it was Kyle.

"Hiya Eric." Butters waved and the cop left. Butters walked over to me. "I know you didn't."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked as I looked down. My hands clutching the cell bars.

"You may have done stupid things in the past, but you wouldn't kill for Kyle." He tells my and my head snaps up to look at him. "Eric?"

"Say that again." I ordered him.

"What?" He asked.

"How do you know the killer was doing it for Kyle?" I asked.

"Well... He got a note in his locker from the killer... He threw it away and I saw it. The killer said he was doing it for him." Butters told me. A small frown was on his face.

I looked down. "Fuck! I need to protect him!" I yelled. Butters jumped back. "What if he's next!?"

"Cartman we will get you out of here and we'll find the actual killer." Butters reassured me. He had a tiny smile tugging at his lips. Almost unnoticeable.

"Thank you Butters." I tell him. "You're a good friend."

"I try my best." Butters told me. "I'll get you out of here. Just hang on tight."

He started leaving.

Kyle's POV

After the cops questioned me I went home to see Stan and Pete were still on the front steps.

Stan stood when he saw me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged back and put an arm out for Pete. He was cautious at first, but took part in the hug.

"I can't believe he did it." Stan mumbled.

"He didn't. There's no way he did." I told him. I know he didn't "Stan I need to visit him in the morning." I felt Pete let go of the hug and walk inside.

"I'm not letting you go Kyle. I ask Butters to visit him. I don't want him to hurt you. I can't loose you." He hugs me tighter.

"You're not going to loose me Stan." I mumbled. "I just need to talk to Cartman."

"No!" Stan fell to his knees and his hands gripped my jacket. "I'm not letting you get hurt!"

"He won't hurt me!" I heard him sniff and thats when I realized Stan was crying. "S-stan?"

"I love you Kyle. I won't let anything happen to you." I looked up and saw Pete standing in the door way holding a cup of water. He turned around and was about to leave before Stan spoke again. "You are my best friend. If something happened to you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

I let out a sigh. "Stan it's cold. Lets talk inside."

A/n: Sorry this chapter was so short.

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