Chapter 26

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Please comment and sorry about last chapter T_T

Also I'm going to do a Q&A chapter, and you can ask me about anything. Maybe even something about where the story is going :P

"You are not actually going to wear that, are you?" I look over at Pete who was giving my clothes a judging glare. For someone who hates 'confortmist' things he sure is trying his best to help me pick out my outfit for my 'date' with Er- Cartman. Why out of all of the dreams I could possibly yell his name it had to be in... That type of dream?!

"Pete there's nothing wrong with it. And it's technically not a date. We're just hanging out with each other." I told him as I took my shirt off, put on a new one, and started buttoning it. After I was done I threw on a sweater vest and looked over at Pete. "Can you turn around?" He did so and I changed into a pair of jeans. "Done." I told him and he turned back around.

He opened his mouth to say something, but we heard a knocking from downstairs. "Looks like lover boy is here."

I rolled my eues and walked downstairs with Pete close behind. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. Cartman stood in the door way with his hair brushed, dressed in a black button up shirt and a red jacket. For once he actually looked like he put a lot of thought into his outfit.

"Now dear son be back home by eight." Pete chuckled.

"Yes dad." I joked and Cartman chuckled.

"You might want to grab a jacket." Cartman told me. "It's going to get cold later." I grab my jacket and walk outside shutting the door behind me. "Sooo ready for our date?"

I rolled my eyes. "I guess so."

We started walking away from my house. "Stan is letting me use his truck." I just simply nodded.

We walked over to the truck and got in. I felt my palms sweat. Why am I so nervous? It's just Cartman... The person who tormented me for most of my life... Oh my God he's going to kill me.

"Kyle relax." I stared at him. "What?" He glanced at me, and I looked out the window.

"Nothing..." I mumbled and he kept driving. My mind started wondering to my dream and I felt my cheeks heat up. Even if my dream was real there is no way I would let him dominate me! I have such a dirty mind in freaks me out.

"So.... Pete and Stan huh?" Cartman questioned.

I let out a small cough. "What?"

"Pete likes Stan, right?" He questioned again.

"Uh well..." I trailed off.

"Knew it. It's so obvious." Cartman chuckled. "Now we just wait for Stan to come around and realize it."

I just nodded and noticed we were driving out of town. "W-where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise." He replied, a small smirk was tugging at the corners of his lips.

Fuuuuuck he is going to kill me!

I pulled my phone out and made sure my phone showed my contacts list just in case. I watched as we past houses and then trees. More and more until it looked like we were driving through the woods. Road didn't change, but the sensory did. He turned off onto a dirt road. A few minutes pass before he stops.

I feel my stomach churn. I knew it... Cartman parks the truck and gets out. I gulp and open the door. I look around and noticed we were on a hill. Cartman opens the back of the truck and sits on it. I sit next to him. "Cartman..."

"Yeah Kyle?" He smiles.

"What are we doing here?" I turn to him to see he was staring at me.

He keeps smiling and gets closer. My breath catches in my throat before I feel him tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Our date, I thought we could have a small picnic." I gulp and nod slowly. I watch Cartman grab a basket and blanket. He puts the cover around my shoulders. "Here. Just in case you get cold."

I looked down at the blanket and then back at Cartman to see we was taking food out of the basket. "You... You actually tried to make this good?"

Cartman looked up at me with a small smile. He nods and hands me a sandwich. I chuckled. He looked so cute... But uh like a little kid or puppy! Yeah a puppy...

I took a bite out of the sandwich and looked up. It was already dark. We sat in silence. The only sound was crickets. It was pretty peaceful. "I wasn't lying Kyle."

I looked over at Cartman to see he was looking down at his lap. A sad smile was on his face. "Lying?"

He looked up at me. "Lying about liking you. I have for a very long time now."

He stared instantly at me and he was no longer smiling. I almost didn't realize I was blushing. He looked away and up at the sky. I blinked before clearing my throat. I felt my heartache.

What's wrong with me?

I scratch the back of my neck and reach for a soda from the basket. My hand meets Cartman's and I look at him. He stares back. "Um..." I take the soda and quickly drink it.

Cartman stares at me and I wipe my mouth. I look at him. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Well you seem worried or somthing."

"Well you just told me you liked me again and I'm just go fused and I don't know what to say and I just d-" I felt lips on my own. It wasn't like rough, but in fact soft like the kiss we shared at the party.

Cartman pulled away after a few seconds. "Calm now?" He chuckled.

I slowly nodded and felt my cheeks heat up even more. My mind was fuzzy and I needed to confirm something. "Cartman can I k-" Before I could say anything I heard the Scooby Doo theme song. I took out my phone and saw it was Pete. "Hello?"

"You need to come back! Now!" I heard Pete hyperventilating on the other side of the phone. "Quick!"

"What's going on?" I asked feeling really worried. Cartman looked worried.

"The cops are here looking for Cartman!" I instantly stood up.

"We'll be right over!" I hang up and look at Cartman. "Get in the druck! The cops are at my house!"

Cartman looked confused, but nodded and got up. He closed the back of the truck and we got in. He started driving to my house. A million thoughts went threw my head. Mainly, why were the cops at my house looking for Cartman?!

Once we reached my house I noticed there was a few cop cars. Stan and Pete were outside. Pete was on the front stops and Stan was next to him until he saw the truck he stood over and called a cop over. He pointed at us as we got out.

A few cops came over, walked past me, and started talking to Cartman. "Eric Cartman?" He nodded and looked confused. The main cop motioned to his partner who instantly got out is handcuffs and started puting them on Cartman.

"Eric Cartman you are under arrest for the kidnapping and murder of Annie Bartlett, Katie Gelson, and Larry Doe. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." The cop stated and I stared at them.

No. No way. "No!" I rushed to them, but Stan held me back. "Let me go Stan! Let me go!"

"Kyle they got evidence hat it was him!" Stan yelled at me. I fell to my knees and watched at they placed Cartman in the back of a squad car. He looked at me as they shut the door. The look on his face told me everything I needed to know. He didn't do it.

I watched as they drove away and the police chief walked over to me and Stan. "Kyle broflovski we need to bring you in for questioning." I nodded slowly.

I didn't realize until on the way there I was crying. Not because I liked Cartman or not and this showed he was lying to me, but because although a lot of bad stuff happened between us in the past he was still my friend.

Once we reached the police station the police chief looked at me. I want you to see something before we question you. I was confused, but nodded. I followed him into a room with a one way mirror. I started threw it to see a cop questioning Cartman.

"Did you do it Eric?" The cop asked and I watched as Cartman turned his head towards the mirror. His stare felt helpless. His eyes were filled with tears. "Eric?"

He nodded. "I did it."

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