Chapter 37

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Hope you liked the whole chapter between Stan and Pete last chapter.

Kyle's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My parents just told me and Ike we are moving out of town.

"But Firkle is here!" Ike yelled.

"Ike calm down." My dad told him. "You can still see him we're just moving into one town over. We just think it would be a good idea after everything that has happened."

I was still in shock, and that shock is only going to grow. "And your getting a foster sister. That was the original reason for the move. That is also why we had so many trips to New York." Mmom mentioned. "She's your age Kyle, and her name is Diana."

Ike marched to his room clearly not happy and we heard his door slam shut. He's been getting kinda rebellious. I stayed in my seat. I don't wanna move but.... I guess I have no choice. "When is Diana coming here?" I asked him as dad went to calm Ike down.

"Today actually." Mom told me. "We're moving right after the new year." I nodded and mom sstarted to leave the room. "There are some boxes in the car if you want to start packing."

"Okay..." I nodded once more and walked to my room. I laid on my bed, and started to think of everything that has recently happened.

Some rando was leaving me letters that was later found out to be Cartman, the new guy said he loved me but later helped Butters kill me, someone who made sure I didn't get hit by a car helped Butters as well, I shot Cartman, kissed a complete stranger who I'm pretty sure is either eighteen or nineteen, and now I'm moving along with a foster sister.

I decided to call my friends... First Stan. I called him and waited for an answer. "H-hello?" I heard a tired voice on the other side.

"Pete?" I asked confused. "Where's Stan?"

"He's cooking, well trying to." Pete chuckled. "He told me to answer."

"Um well can you tell him to meet up with me and the others later? It's important." I told him.

"Sure, where at?"

"The park." I looked outside my window. I saw Bebe and Ezra walking down thw street talking. She playfully pushed him. After Pete agreed to tell Stan I called Kenny. I explained to meet up with me which he also agreed. He told me Craig would come too.

Now the final person.... Why does my chest hurt? Should I tell him with the others or alone? I'm not so sure. What am I goin- "Hello? Kyle?"

"Oh um hey Cartman... What's up?" I asked him as I hugged my knees. I leaned against the window as I looked out.

"Nothing really. You?" He asked.



"Want to go visit Butters?" I asked, and he didn't reply. "Cartman?" Again he didn't reply. "Eric?"

"Are you sure you can handle seeing him again?" He sounded worried. It made my heart hurt even more. I shouldnbe telling him about the move.

"Y-yeah..." I told him. "I have some questions for him. Stan and Pete told me about a group of people that they ran into the night everything went down. I have a feeling Butters has something to do with it."

"Alright... When do you want to go?" I thought long and hard. To be honest I don't know. "Kyle?"

"How about now?" I asked him.

"Sure. I'll meet you at the police station." Cartman tells me, and I'm about to hang up but he stops me. "I'm worried about you Kyle."

"No need to worry about me Eric." I told him as I kept looking outside.

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