Chapter 29

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When I woke up my vision was a little blurry. The back of my head was pounding and it hurt alot.

"You're finally awake." I realized Tony was in front of me. I was tied to a chair and my throat was hurting a lot. I was in a dark dimly lit room. I'm guessing a basement or old slaughter house. Tony had another sickening smile plastered on his face. "Took you long enough Kyle." He cupped my face with his hand and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead.

Note to self: If I make this out alive wash my forehead with bleach.

Tony kept smiling and that's when I realized he reminded me a lot of Patrick from IT. "Why did you fucking kidnap me!? I thought you said you were doing the killings for me!"

Tony backed up and shook his head. "You don't get it do you?"

I looked at him confused.

"I didn't kill them. Yes I kidnapped them, but someone else did the killing." He took out a pocket knife and held it gently against my right cheek. "Sure I killed before, but I haven't in this town." There was a moment of silence like he was thinking. "Yet at least." I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. That's when I realized he made a small cut with his knife. "But I could always make an exception for you my dear sweet Kyle."

"I'm not yours!" I spit and he rolled his eyes. "I'm not anyone's!"

"Liar." He told me calmly. It wasn't a normal calm, but more of a calm that has a dark aura behind it. "You like the asshole."

"If anyone is an asshole it's you." I huffed. "You were the one who knocked me out!"

"You know I love you right? I would kill for you. I would kill you. After all I killed my sister and I loved her." I felt the blood drain from my body. "If I had friends I'd probably kill them to." That's when I realized something.

"W-where's Butters?" I stuttered making Tony smile his twisted smile.

"In another room locked up. Seems weak doesn't he?" He chuckled.

"He's been through a lot..." I trailed off. "Just let him go!"

"Now why would I do that? Besides even if I wanted to I couldn't withour my bosses permission." Tony leaned against a table with a lot of tools and sharp objects. "You know I killed my sister qhen I was twelve? I blamed it on a robber."

"I don't fucking care!" I tried to get out of the ropes.

"The more you struggle the harder my job will be Kyle." I stopped as I heard a new voice. That's right, there was two people. I turned to see a tall figure with brown wavy hair and glasses.

"Jeez Alastor what took you so long?" Tony crossed his arms pushing off of the table and grabbed the KFC bag that was in Alastor's hand.

"Well if it wasn't for you forgetting to get dinner I wouldn't have had to go out to get something." Alastor shrugged before grabbing a chair and sitting across from me.

"Wait hold up." I tell them and Tony looks over. "You're telling me that I was kidnapped by a teacher's assistant and a guy who has a evil crush on me?"

Alastor shrugged. "Yeah basically." Tony sat next to him and threw his knife at the wall. Right after tony did that Alastor slapped him in the back of the head. "Any questions?"

"Soooooo Tony didn't do the killings, but you did?" I need to keep them talking.

"No." Tony and Alastor stated.

"Are the two of you related?" I asked next.

"No." They once more replied.

"Where are we? How do the two of you know each other? Who's the actual killer? Is Butters okay? Why are you guys blaming Cartman? Ho-" A knife was stabbed into my chair between my legs. This time it was Alastor's knife. He placed his hand on the back of my chair and almost got nose to nose to me. My once hero is now my kidnapper.

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