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A/n: Sorry it's been taking me so long to write. I had a bit of writing block with this story, and I'm working on other projects as well. Here's a few things though.

1) I have no internet access at my house so I may not update for a bit.

2) I got a job at a gas station Subway

3) I might be moving

4) I'm writing a movie script (which I'll later put on my youtube channel)

5) Boy howdy wait until you see what happens in this.

6) Would y'all read a non-fanfiction book by me?

7) If you have any questions go ahead and ask.

Michael's POV

"Is my boyfriend going to be okay, doc?"

Once those words came out of my mouth all eyes were on me. Kyle and Kenny looked highly confused, Wendy and Henrietta just shrugged it off, Craig looked like he wanted to fucking murder me, but the look that had hurt the most was the one coming from Pete. The only word for it was heartbreak.

The doctor nodded as he cleared his throat. "Oh well Mr. Marsh will be okay, but he hit his head pretty severely. He may have a concussion and may have forgotten the events leading up to the accident. We're going to keep him over night. You can go and see him, but please try to stay quiet."

I nodded before heading to his hospital room. Walked into the dimly lit room and sat down next to the hospital bed. Stan was hooked up to wires, and looked bruised and bloody. It pained me to see him like that. I took his hand in my own and I felt like crying.

I stared at his neck and swallowed. The red markings on his neck made me want to track down those guys and beat them shitless.

I brushed my fingers lightly across his knuckles and let out a sigh. A sigh that one might say sounded like venom. The boy I cared about was in the hospital with no way of me helping. "Who are you?" I stared at Stan. He was now fully awake and staring at me in confusion.

Suddenly all the tears I kept bottled up began to flow. The dam broke. He forgot about me? He doesn't know who I am? "You don't remember me?"

"Jeez Michael! I didn't mean to make you cry!" Stan stated and I looked at him in confusion that then turned into realization.

"You're fucking lucky your cute." I huffed. "What do you remember?"

"Well not much." He shrugged. "Just me asking for you to be my boyfriend on the walk home, and then these guys showed up. Not much after that." I nodded my head and started to fill him in on all the details. The guys that had beaten us up, me rushing him to the hospital, me calling his friends, and the fact Pete was right outside in the waiting room with his ex-girlfriend.

"Shit." Stan whispered before looking at his lap and then myself. "I want to see him."

I felt my heart stop for a second before nodding and standing up. I whispered to him I'd be right back and walked into the waiting room. Wendy, Pete, and Stan's friends all stared at me. I saw Eric Cartman rushing over from the elevator. "Is he okay?!" The brunette asked and I nodded. "Fuck." He whispered before sitting down.

I looked at Pete. "He wants to see you."

Pete's POV

Stan wants to see me?

I nodded nervously and headed to his hospital room. I peeked in to see him and my heart broke for the second time that day. He was hooked up to wires and tubs and looking out the window at the night. "Hey." I whispered and he turned to look at me. I released a small gasp when I saw his neck.

"Hey Pete." He patted the space next to him. I sat down in chair next to his bed and he looked at me weakly. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I just... I just don't know why I ever did it. Pete it's just... I care about Michael, deeply."

Don't cry Pete. Stay strong.

"But," I looked at Stan confused. But what? "But, Pete, I care about you too. More than you would ever know. I think about you all the time, but Michael is also there. I care about him more than I first thought. At first it was just sex." He told me and I nodded. "At first I just thought of you as a friend, but the more I learn about Michael and you I started feeling something that I never felt before. I don't want to lose you as a friend Pete, but..." He trailed off.

I knew what he was going to say, but I needed to hear it myself. "But?"

"I love Michael." Stan stated. "I know you two dated and had hurt you, but... Please forgive me for hurting you. I never wanted to hurt you."

I felt my heart tighten. I don't know why, but I nodded. "I forgive you Stan... And it's fine." But it's not fine. "You can date him." Please don't.

I saw a small helpless smile form. "Thank you Pete. You are a good friend, better than I could ever be." You fucking idiot. You don't know how much I love you.

I forced a smile onto my own face. "Yeah."

I gave him a small pat on the head and left the room. I watched as one by one the visited him from my seat. After a bit it was just Michael and I. "He really cares about you, you know?"

Michael looks at me a little taken back. It's been the first time I've spoken to him since we broke up.

Well besides when he called explaining what happened.

Michael slowly nodded. "He does?" I released a small huff. I have a feeling Michael will hurt him, but not in the way he had hurt me. Michael was known during our own brakes for sleeping with random people before getting back together with me.

"Yes." I stated. "But Michael, if you hurt, use, or do anything that hurts that boy I will murder you myself. Understand?"

He quickly nodded with another shocked expression. I knew he wouldn't expect a threat like that from me these past few years, but I'll do anything to protect Stan.

I started to get up to leave, but Michael stops me. "I'm sorry for hurting you. You don't have to forgive me and to be honest I don't want you to. Remembering what I did to you reminds me that I need to control my temper, and I need to be careful with the people I love. I don't want to hurt Stan and I never wanted to hurt you."

I stared at the tall goth for a while. Did he literally just say that? I was about to say something before I noticed hI'm fiddling with a silver band that was on his left ring finger. I remembered it. Henrietta remembered it. Firkle even remembered it. "Michael... The ring, I thought you had it boxed up?"

Michael looked at the ring before looking at me. "I'm planning on telling him." With those four words I knew Michael was serious about Stan.

Alastor's/Anthony's POV

How do you catch someone who doesn't want to be found? How do you catch the smallest things in a web of lies?  How do you-

"Are you seriously planning on kidnapping him again?" Tony flicked my forehead.

Rubbed it a little. "Technically I did not want to last time. It was Butters' idea." I stated.

"Ah yes, and what happened to him? Oops he's dead. Murder? Suicide? No body knows." Tony shrugs before having a small smirk. "Except for the real boss. I can't believe the dead blonde even believed him."

I shrug. "The boss is smart. He even got Morgan and Luke in on this. So you know what that means?"

"Uh dead Kyle and dead German dude?" Tony asked and I shook my head no. "Please don't fuck the bodies afterwards."

"Dude what the hell?" I asked and he shrugged as he bit into his chicken. "I just can't wait to see the chaos that unfolds."

"Yeah yeah. What is the boss' plan again?" Tony asks as he dug around from a drum stick.

I let out a sigh. "We've been through this. As more deaths and murders happen everyone will question the authorities on how they are not doing anything. Over throw the justice system."

"Yeah whatever babe." He finishes the chicken before kissing my forehead, and leaving the room.

Man I hate that guy.

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