Chapter 41

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Please comment and ask questions. Also I'm taking a Pretty Little Liars spin to this :p

It's been a few days after the party happened a few days after the move. I've been trying my best to figure out why Alastor was there and who was the person with Stan. I called the South Park police station about Alastor being at the party, and they said they are keeping an eye out for him.

I've called my friends, and Cartman... He hasn't been answering me. I feel like it's because of me, and Stan said he talked to him about everything.

Cartman told Stan he either didn't want to talk about it or he needed more time. It's only been a week...  I should give him time without bothering him.

I've also been talking to Ezra about random things. Bebe gave him my number, and it turns out his college is near by.

It was now the first day back to school... A new school. The high school here is also a middle school. Diana, Ike, and I stood infront of the school. "Here goes nothing..." I whispered and the three of us walked in.

A few minutes later Diana and I were standing in front of a new class. "Everyone this is Diana and Kyle. Be nice, I'm talking about you Shane." The teacher pointed to some guy who just looked out the window.

Diana and I took our seats, and I let out a nervous sigh. This will be a long day.... Half way through class our teacher said we could take a break. Some students took their phones out, and I glanced at my own. If on cue a message popped up.

Cart Hoe: Sorry about my outburst... Hopefully your not busy at the moment. Can I come over after school? We need to talk.
Me: About?
Cart Hoe: Us, and Ezra.

I bit my lip and sent my address and when he could come over. Diana looked at me. "You okay?" She whispered.

I nodded. I haven't talked to anyone besides Pete and Stan about Cartman's outburst. "Just kinda tired."

Diana nodded and started doodling on her paper. The girl in front of her turned around and saw it. "Hey that's pretty good."

Diana looked at her and I noticed a tiny blush. "Th-thank you." She smiled.

"No problemo!" The girl gave her a closed eye grin before turning back around. I watched as Diana kept blushing and I realized what was happening.

"Oooooh." I whispered. So Diana likes girls. Oh wait I forgot she's pan.

"Sh-shut up." She whispered and went back to doodling.

I nodded and saw another text. It was a picture from an unknown number. It was a picture of me sitting on a bench with my head on Ezra's shoulder. He was kissing the top of my head.

This... This was taken on the night of the party! Who sent this?! A message was under it.

Unknown: Oops. A slip up ~A

A? Who the fuck is A? What if Cartman sees this?! What if.... What if he has seen it? Fuck! This has to be a prank! ...right?

After school I ran home with Diana and Ike right behind me. They were talking about old horror films, but I didn't pay much attention. Please he haven't seen it. Please he haven't seen it.

When I got to the new house Cartman was sitting on the front steps. His phone in his hands. He was looking down at it with a sad look. "Cartman..." He looked up at me quickly and his expression changed to a happy one.

"Hey Kyle." He stood up, and Ike and Diana went inside. "Can I came inside?" I nodded and the two of us walked inside.

We walked upstairs and I was panicking inside. What if he did see the picture? What if this is like a Pretty Little Liars situation? Am I being blackmailed?

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