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A/n: Short, and don't worry more Kyman stuff in a later chapter.

Three new dead guys, nothing makes sense, and to top it all off prom is one night away.

Plus Cartman keeps blaming Ezra saying that he's the one killing everyone. I don't believe it personally. Ezra is such a nice guy and although he doesn't talk about it I can tell something troubles him about his past.

Some people say that if a person looks up with a smile they are thinking about the nice future. Smile and look down they are remembering something nice about the past. Frown and look up you got a sad/bad future, frown and look down a sad/troubled past.

Ezra looks down all the time with a small frown platered on his face. "What you thinking about?" I asked him as I sat down next to him at the park.

"My brother." He stated.

"Your twin?" I asked "What was his name again?"

Ezra glanced at me. "Anthony." I nodded as we stated in silance. He soon brakes it. "My classmates think I had something to do with the murders. The cops even brought me in."

My mouth fell open. He looked at me and I saw tears prick the corner of his eyes. "Do you think I did it?" I shook my head and a tiny smile lit up his face. "At least someone thinks so."

I started rubbing his back and he started crying even more. He slumbed next to me with his head on my shoulder. Soon after he started laughing uncontrollably it was honestly terrifying, it sounded like a mix of The Joker laugh and a yandere laugh. He instantly stopped. No warning and no slowing down. The laughter just stopped.

He looked at me. "Sorry about that... It happens if I cry a lot. My parents told me that it happens because I'm either hyperventilating or my lungs are full of so much air the only way my brain can think of releasing it is through laughing. The doctors think it's Pathological Laughter/crying or PBA that ties in with Pathological Laughter/crying."

Yeah I didn't understand any of that so I just nodded. "Alright... How long has that been happening?"

"Since I was eight." He replied he frowned as he looked down. He was fidgeting with his hands. He wasn't telling me something. "I had another brother." He stated.

"What was his name?"

"Samuel." I nodded as I heard his reply. "Kyle let me tell you something an advisor of mine once said."

"Alright." I nodded once more.

"Anyone can be a murderer when faced with a dilemma, but a real psychopath finds the fun in planning ahead." Ezra replied. "Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, any black widow, The Zodiac."

"Excuse me?" I asked him confused.

He looked at me a small smile on his face before looking away and upward to the sky. "Find this murderer Kyle. Find him before he finds you." He got up and started walking away. His blonde hair rustled as the wind blew.

Ezra's POV

I kept walking back to my dorm, but stopped. I needed to clear my head, but it was getting dark soon. I shook my head and decided to walk to a near by park. Who cares if it's late? I just need to clear my head.

I can talk so easily to Kyle, and honestly it scares me. The past... I want to keep that hidden from him, or well at least hidden for now.

I stopped when I heard a twig snap. I turned around, but didn't see anything. I look forward once more to see a man in a hood. "I'm sorry." Was the last thing I heard before a sharp pain turned cold when up my arm. I looked down seeing a syringe before I passed out.

Somewhere else Narrator's POV

It was cold. Very cold. A bag was over a girl's head before it was ripped off. "Let me go!" The girl screamed until she saw a male infront of her. Her boyfriend, Mason was infront of her. She released a high pitched scream.

Mason opened his eyes and breathed heavily. "M-mary?" He had trouble speaking. "Mary." He took in a weak breath.

Tony placed a gun in Mary's hand. "Kill him." He ordered. "Kill him or I'll kill you."

Mary kept shaking her head no. "No! No! Let us go!"

"I can't do that Mary." Tony kissed the top of her head. It made her sick. "Now kill him."

"No!" Mary kept crying. "N-"


Mary was dead. Mason stared at the lifeless body of the blond girl. Tears were pricking the corner of his eyes, but he felt to tired to do anything. He couldn't keep his eyes open. Not even when Tony picked him up and carried him into a different room.

His room.

Anthony or better known at Alastor was rocking back and forth in his spot. Tears staining his cheeks. He grabbed his hair and scrunched himself up. He wanted out. He needed out of that place. He needes out of the situation. He never wanted to do this. He didn't want to hurt anyone. "No." He shook his head. "Not again." He whimpered as he heard Mason's cries come from Tony's room along with grunts and moans.

He was glad he was not the onw in there with Tony.

Anthony just wanted to leave. He wished the incident never happened eleven yeara ago. He just wanted to be normal again. He never wanted to change his name. He took off the locket that was around his neck.

Three pictures of three young boys. Eight years old. Samual, Ryan, and Varian Cross... He just wanted to be Ryan Cross again. Not Anthony Wolf. He just wanted everything to be normal once more.

"Anthony." He heard someone and he looked up into the dark emotional eyes he's known since he was twelve. "We are going through with it tomorrow."

A/n: Dun dun dun!!!!!

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