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A/n: check out the account VJVess, I use it for non-fanfics. I already got two stories up on that, and they are called Wintergreen TicTacs and Fireflies. I want to make them into series.

I only use this account and the VJVess account.

This is also a very short update.

Kyle's POV

It was the day after Stan was put into the hospital, and I was sitting across from Cartman and Nicholas. Tallahassee was right beside me. "What did you want to talk about Kyle?"

"Easy Eric." Nicholas told him. "Kyle wanted to tell you something."

Cartman sighed and shook his head before looking at me. "It wasn't a dead body in that picture."

"Then what was it?" Cartman questioned and I started to inform him with what I told Nicholas and Tally. His face turned from annoyance to one of sand. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you about that."

"It's fine." I gave him a small smile and he scratched his neck nervously.

"Breaking news!" All four of us turned to see the TV that was in the small diner. "Emilio Morgan, Luke Winters, and Russell Hodges have been found dead in Burr Park. The authorities believed for it to be a suicide pact, except for a finger print that was found at the scene. It links to a kidnapping ten years ago from Germany."

I stared at the TV confused. "Should the news actually know this information?" We kept chatting and eating until something came to my mind. Morgan and Luke? Why do those names sound familiar? Wait. "Tallahassee?"

The boy looked at me. "Hmm?"

"Didn't you know Morgan and Luke?" I asked and he bit his lip. "Tal-"

"I got to go." He squeaked, quickly got up, and left.

"I'll go check on him." Nicholas got up, grabbed his coat, and followed the shorter male.

I watched them leave and Cartman looked out the window as he bit on his coke straw. His hair was in his eyes and he looked like he had something on his mind. Strange enough he looked quite handsome. I also missed him.

"I want you to meet Felicity." Cartman piped up.

"Your daughter?" Cartman nodded. "You sure?"

Cartman nodded. "Yeah... I want you to be part of her life. I still care about you and I just." He sighs. "I feel like you can be a good godfather or something to her. I already talked to her mother about you."

I nodded as I bit my lip. "And?"

"She thinks it would be a good idea too." He smiled. "I talk a lot about you to her."

I nodded again with a tiny smile, the message I got next made my smile grow wider.

Ezra: Hey sorry if this seems weird, but do you want to go to your school prom with me? I know you don't know anyone there, so?

I quickly replied.

Me: Sure.

I kept smiling and looked up. Cartman was staring at me. "What?"

"What got you so happy?" Cartman smiled.

"Can't I just smile?" I asked and he nodded his head smiling. "Ezra asked me to prom, and I said yes."

Cartman stared at me with an unknown look. "Oh."


"Um I guess I'm happy for you?" He questioned.

"Just because he asked me and I said yes does not mean I'm dating him." I stated and he nodded.

"Uh yeah..." He trails off. He takes a sip of his drink, and he seems uneasy. I was about to ask what's wrong when he cuts me off. "Have you heard from Stan or Michael? What about Pete?"

"Pete has been worried about his college thing in two years, Stan is going to be alright and apparently he's going to prom with Michael." I replied. "What about you?"

"I was actually going to ask a guy, but he's already going with someone else." He stated a tiny frown on his face. The frown made my heart hurt a little.

Who was the guy? Is it me? Oh shit.

I cleared my throat and looked outside. Tallahassee and Nicholas were still there and they looked like they were arguing about something. Finally Nicholas hugs Tallahassee and they start walking back inside.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worryingly at the two. Nicholas nodded and sat back down next to Cartman while Tallahassee kept standing. "Tally?"

"I called my uncle, and he said that the cops are not doing anything about what happened to Morgan, Luke, and Russell." Tallahassee stated. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Your uncle is a cop?" Cartman asked and Tally shook his head.

"Not really, he is a psychologist working with them." Tally stated. "And well-"

"If the cops are not going to do anything, then we will." Nicholas told us. "Sure they were assholes, but they are still people." Tallahassee nodded in agreement.

Us solving a murder case? Hah, like that's possi-

"Alright, I'm in." Cartman stated.

"You're kidding?" I asked him. "Cartman that's insane."

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