State Bay, Georgia

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So um there's this book I've been working on... I want to actually publish when it's done... O even made a book trailer for it on my YouTube channel... And because I actually care about my readers' opinions I wanted to see what you all thought about it... I am just going to give you a sneak peek.

The name is State Bay, Georgia

I raced into the house and rushed through the main hall and my foot barely grazed the first step when I heard it. Crying. Someone was crying. Sure I was used to it from growing up in an orphanage, but this crying was different. 

"I'll make sure to tell Jason," the crying voice of Ms. Stevens mumbled. From the sound of it she was trying to muffle her cries. "I'm sure he will want to know…" 

I popped my head into the kitchen to see Ms. Stevens leaning against the wall hanging up the landline. She looked like she was about to fall. Her small plump frame leaning against the wall and a chair. Her right hand ran through her thick dark hair. "Jason I know you're there."

She looked at me and my heart felt like snapping. It was rare seeing Ms. Stevens cry, and she was the type of person that once she does cry you felt like you did something bad even though you were not the one to make her cry. "Ms. Stevens? What's wrong?" She waved me over and we sat at the kitchen table. 

"Jason it's about your father," she started and my heart snapped again. 

I looked down at the table already knowing what she's going to say. He either relapsed or decided to not take care of me. "He relapsed didn't he?"

I heard a sob and it confirmed what I thought. "Jason I'm deeply sorry, bu-"

I stand up and just start walking out of the place. I don't care where I go. I just needed to be with my thoughts. I ignored Ms. Stevens' cries and just kept walking until I was out of the house, away from our street, and towards somewhere I could be alone. 

To be honest I don't want to be alone. But what other choice do I have? If I stayed at the boarding house I might snap at Ms. Stevens or one of the kids. Simon is mad at me, and Mr. Arker is out of the question.

I was so happy to see my dad today, but I guess wishes don't come true. Soon I felt my legs about to give out when I realized where I was. 

Sherman Pond. 

I sat down on the nearest bench and placed my head in my hands before brushing my hair back with my right hand. I close my eyes tightly. He was so happy to have me in his life and he had to go mess it up by relapsing. I guess it's true about what they say about drug addicts and alcoholics. They are never truly done being an addict. 

"Ms. Stevens is worried about you," I opened my eyes to become face to snout with a Great Dane. It was Coconut. I looked up saw Mr. Arker. He sat next to me and we watched the ducks that were floating in the pond and harassing people for food. "You know even when the people we love leave they are still with us."

I felt like he was talking about my mom. "What was she like?" I kept looking forward and he did the same. Coconut was laying next to us in the dying grass. 

"July was the nicest lady I knew," Mr. Arker stated. I glanced at him to see he was now staring at the sky. "Well besides Ms. Stevens of course. Your mother helped every person she knew and ones she didn't. Kinda makes me think of how she ended up with someone like Jimmy."

"Can we not talk about my dad Mr. Arker?" I look at him with my arms resting on my legs.

"Percy," Mr. Arker whispered.


"Percy," he repeated. "My name is Percy." I nodded and looked forward again. "Death catches up with everyone. Just sometimes it's sooner than you think for others. You just need to figure out how to deal with it. When your mother died I tried to express my pain in music."

I started thinking about the first day I was cleaning Mr. Arker's house. He was playing the piano and the melody felt sweet like every loving memory was put into it, but there was one other feelingI couldn't identify until now. 


I looked back at Mr. Arker, "I wonder how people will deal with your death when it finally arrives." Mr. Arker lets out a small almost unnoticeable chuckle. "What's?"

"Trust me Jason when I say this, I'm so stubborn that I will be here when the world ends. I'm like a cockroach. You just can't get rid of me easily," Mr. Arker scratches behind Coconut's ear. 

I chuckle, but soon stops. "Why did you bring up death anyway?"

Mr. Arker looks at me with a blank look that soon turns puzzling, "Didn't Ms. Stevens tell you?"

I looked at him, and nodded. "Yeah my dad is a stupid heroin addict that relapsed."

Mr. Arker's face saddens. "Jason… He well technically yes, but…. Your father was found dead in his apartment this morning after an overdose."

Right then and there things clicked. Why Ms. Stevens acted strangely after what I said, Ms. Stevens,what I'm guessing called Mr. Arker, Mr. Arker's sad face that any actor could recreate, and… It was the reason dad didn't respond to my messages this morning. 

"Here. Take this," Mr. Arker handed me a handkerchief. I took it and that's when I noticed I was crying. 

The feeling of tears felt alien to me. I just looked down at Mr. Arker's handkerchief and felt the tears roll down my cheeks. All these feelings rushed through me. Sadness, pain, anger, pity, and so many others. 

I felt arms around me, and I realizedMr. Arker was hugging me. Coconut placed her head on my lap and looked up at me sadly. Yippie now the dog pitied me too. 

"Come on," Mr. Arker stood up. "Let's get you home." I stood up and Coconut stood as well. 

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