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requested by: @/bean_seavey on instagram <3

t h i r d  p e r s o n

corbyn walks down the cold streets of la, his hands stuffed in his coat pockets. his cheeks are tear stained, his eyes red and puffy, his happy demeanour from earlier that day completely washed away.

you may be wondering what caused all of this, what caused such a happy man to be crushed so hard.

well, it's all because of his lost love. the one he thought that he would spend the rest of his life with, start a family with, happily marry, the one that he loved.

the key word there is loved. you would think that after such a hard breakup that he would still have some sort of feeling, love, compassion. but, all he feels is hatred. complete and utter hatred.

never once in his entire life has he thought about cheating. especially with the person's best friend.

that's exactly what christina did. she chose to pick jonah over corbyn, despite the six years of what corbyn thought was heaven. she completely shattered him.

the way that he found out was what killed him the most. christina was horny so she wanted help, and while corbyn was kissing her neck, she moaned jonah's name instead of his.

he didn't say a thing, he just grabbed his things and left the brunette's house without giving her a single look.

to try and get his mind off of things, he's taking a walk through his local park, listening to the soft breeze and the birds chirping happily within their nests.

you'd think that he would just go straight home as it is 10pm, but going home is the last thing corbyn wants to do at this moment.

he just wants to forget that that ever happened. he just wants to forget her.

as he walks down the dimly lit paths, he stumbles across a bench. the bench is not empty, in fact, upon it is a man and what seems to be his daughter, both sound asleep.

corbyn slowly approaches the duo, being careful not to startle them.

he lightly shakes the brunette man's side, watching as his eyelids flutter open and he stares in shock at the blonde.

"don't be scared, it's okay, i promise" corbyn soothes.

the man seems to calm down to the sound of corbyn's voice so soft and lulling, pulling his daughter closer to him slightly.

"are you okay, you know, since you're sleeping on a bench in a public park?" corbyn asks, kneeling down besides them.

"umm... yeah, we're good, kinda. i mean, we're homeless, which sucks" the man shrugs.

corbyn frowns at the brunette's words, caressing his side lightly in a comforting manner.

the man lets out a content sigh. just the presence of the blonde was enough to make him feel at ease.

"i'm so sorry to hear that" corbyn frowns, "i'm corbyn, what's your name?"

the brunette clears his throat before speaking, "i'm daniel, and this is destiny."

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