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all credit goes to birdiesofafeather for the plot of both this oneshot and the next one <3


𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑 : the boys are not famous in this and why don't we isn't a thing

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

daniel and corbyn have always been the two best friends that everyone knows about around school. purely because they get into trouble a lot, and when i say a lot i mean a lot, but that's besides the point.

you could say that they're partners in crime; always getting on teachers nerves, getting kicked out of class, getting into stupid fights with random people, staying out after their parents' curfews. they even got expelled from a school together once, but they refuse to say why.

but now that the two have graduated from highschool and are living in the same apartment, things have changed slightly.

it would be a lie if either of them said that they don't like the other, but obviously they would never admit it out loud.

the only problem is, both of them are scared of the feelings. they're scared that it will wreck the friendship, and so, they have been drifting apart.

not speaking to each other and only saying a quick 'hi' when they see each other in the mornings, not spending any time with one another, trying their best to avoid any physical contact with the other; basically the opposite of everything they did when they were in highschool.

corbyn wakes up with a groan, rolling onto his stomach as he stretches out his legs.

he drags himself out of bed, knowing that today is the day that he has mentally marked as the day that he will tell daniel how he feels, no matter how nervous he is.

it hurts him how distant he and the brunette are now, and so that's why he is finally telling him how he feels.

he doesn't bother throwing on a shirt or hoodie as he exits his room, only being dressed in sweats and boxers.

he runs a hand through his messy hair, rubbing his hands over his eyes as he walks down the stairs of his home.

he walks into the kitchen, yawning as he stretches his arms out above his head, completely ignoring the brunette boy stood on the opposite side of the kitchen island to him as he does so.

"morning dani" corbyn says, his voice raspy.

daniel looks up at corbyn with wide-eyes, a faint blush coating his cheeks at the now uncommon nickname.

"m-morning" he mumbles nervously, confused as to why the blonde is suddenly being so friendly with him.

corbyn walks closer to the brunette, making sure to not be too close to him.

"i need to talk to you today... whenever you can. i would like to talk now but it looks like you're doing something so it's fine if you can't i just really want to get this off of my chest-"

"corbyn, just tell me" daniel says, cutting the ranting boy off.

"o-okay" corbyn blushes, realising now that he was going off on one of his rants.

"s-so- i don't really know how to s-say this without being so straightforward but... i like you. like you like you. like, as more than a friend like you" corbyn says, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand as he stares nervously at the floor.

daniel smiles slightly at the boy's nervous state, taking a step closer to him.

"corbyn, look at me" daniel chuckles, hooking a finger underneath the blonde's chin as he lifts his head.

"i like you too. i have since junior year and i was too scared that i was going to loose you so i didn't tell you" daniel says, his hands gripping corbyn's hips and pulling the boy closer.

corbyn blushes at the action, placing his hands on daniel's bare chest.

"w-what does that m-mean?" corbyn asks, mentally scolding himself for stuttering.

"whatever you want it to mean, bubba" daniel whispers as he slowly leans in, his hot breath lingering over corbyn's lips.

corbyn's arms snake around daniel's neck as their lips inch closer, brushing against one another.

but, before corbyn can close the gap between them, daniel turns his head slightly to press a kiss to corbyn's cheek.

"you fucking tease" corbyn groans, smiling as he hits daniel lightly on the shoulder.

"you're too big of a softly to hit me any harder" daniel chuckles, licking up corbyn's ear teasingly, nibbling slightly.

corbyn lets out a shaky breath, "you wouldn't hit me any harder either."

"oh i'd hit you so much harder, baby boy. right on the good spot too" daniel smirks, kissing down corbyn's neck as the blonde lets out a soft moan.

"stop it you fuck" corbyn giggles, pushing daniel back.

"would you let me carry on if i kiss you?" daniel asks with a smug smirk, grabbing corbyn by the hips again and pulling his body flush against his own.

"maybe" corbyn hums as daniel leans in, connecting their lips with no hesitation.


wc: 809



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