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t h i r d p e r s o n

"should i just go over there? i mean, they are the popular kids, and i'm just here. no one notices me apart from you, corbyn and the teachers" daniel rants.

"dani, stop worrying. he is your boyfriend, you'll be fine" zach reassures.

"yeah, jonah is the bad boy of the school and i still hangout with his friends" jack shrugs.

"yeah but i'm just an anxious freak and i overthink everything. and corbyn is like the most popular person in this school! his table is the biggest!" daniel huffs.

"don't worry, bro. just go over there and speak to corbyn, you'll be fine" zach chuckles.

daniel sighs as he stands up, looking his friends in the eyes one last time before beginning to walk over to his boyfriend's table.

he walks up behind corbyn, tapping his shoulder and smiling when the blonde turns around to look at him.

"hi, baby" corbyn beams, grabbing daniel by the waist and pulling him down onto his lap, "how come you're over here?"

"i just wanted to see you" daniel shrugs, cupping corbyn's cheeks in his hands and pecking his lips.

"you're so cute, baby boy" corbyn smiles, kissing his cheek.

"yo, corbyn" eben calls from across the table.

"what, eben? what's so important that i have to stop taking to my baby?" corbyn asks, his smile disappearing as he turns to look at the boy.

"jeez, bro. i was just gonna ask if this is the kid you keep talking about" eben chuckles, everyone else on the table chuckling with him.

"he's not just a kid, he's my boyfriend and i love him" corbyn retorts, pulling daniel closer to him on his lap.

"who even is he? we haven't seen him around school" christina adds, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyes the couple up and down.

"yeah, who is he? an outcast, a looser" gabbie laughs.

"corby, make them stop" daniel mutters, closing his eyes as he feels tears well in them, moving his arms around corbyn's shoulders and hiding his face in the crook of his neck.

"aww, is the little baby crying?" august teases, "are the popular kids too much for a looser like him to handle?"

"get lost, kid. we don't want you here" tate spits, nudging corbyn's side.

"shut the fuck up!" corbyn snaps.

the whole table goes silent. they all know that when corbyn snaps that they shouldn't say a word.

"i am fed up of you guys teasing every person that i bring over here. daniel is my boyfriend for fucks sake! he may not be 'popular' like us, but it doesn't mean that he's any less important, because to me he's the most important person on the world. i love him, so fucking much, and it pains me to see him like this because of my friends. you guys don't know what he goes through anyway, but i do, and it's awful. he doesn't need you bullying him for no fucking reason. he doesn't deserve it, he's something special and i feel lucky to even call him mine. if this is how you're going to treat him, then i don't want to call you my friends. i'm leaving, he's far more important to me than any of you are."

corbyn watches as they all stare at him in shock, shaking his head in disappointment and standing up.

he wraps daniel's legs around his waist, gripping the underside of his thighs and walking them out of the cafeteria.

he enters the boy's toilets, propping daniel up on a sink and frowning as he sees the state his boyfriend is in.

"why d-does everyone h-hate me?" daniel hiccups, tears cascading down his cheeks.

"no, don't think that way, my love. not everyone hates you!"

corbyn takes daniel's chin in his index finger and thumb, bringing daniel's face up to look at him.

"aww, baby, it's okay. i'm sorry about my friends, they're idiots. do you want to skip school and just go back to my place to cuddle?" corbyn's asks, stroking daniel's cheek with his thumb.

daniel only nods, not trusting himself to speak.

"okay, bub. we'll just wait until class starts and then we can drive back, is that okay?"

daniel nods again, desperately wrapping his arms around corbyn's neck and pulling him into a hug as he begins to cry harder.

corbyn pulls up to his drive, turning off his engine and getting out of the car.

he quickly walks round to daniel's side, opening the door and picking him up bridal style.

daniel giggles as corbyn walks into his house, shutting the door with his foot behind them.

he makes his way upstairs and into his room, placing daniel down in the centre.

he crawls over the boy, hovering above him.

"i love you, baby boy. i love you so, so much" corbyn says softly, showering kisses all over daniel's face.

"i love you too, my love" daniel giggles, wrapping his arms around corbyn's neck and pulling their lips together.

they share a soft, passionate kiss, pulling away after about five minutes for air.

"don't let those evil people get to you, angel. they aren't worth your time" corbyn whispers, switching them over so that daniel is on top of him.

"i won't, thank you for sticking up for me" daniel smiles, pecking corbyn's cheek.

"why wouldn't i stick up for you, sweetheart? you're my baby and i wasn't going to let those idiots bully you like that" corbyn frowns.

daniel just smiles and cuddles into corbyn's chest, sighing happily as the blonde runs a hand up and down his back soothingly, the other rested on his hip.

there's a new dorbyn book out on my other account so yeah go check it

there's a new dorbyn book out on my other account so yeah go check itfriskyfrantzich-

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