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warnings: none

t h i r d  p e r s o n

daniel walks down the dark, empty streets of his hometown in virginia, one hand in his coat pocket and the other with his phone in it.

he scrolls down his social medias as he walks, liking pictures, looking through comments, following people, all as he quietly hums to a song that has been stuck in his head all day.

he knew that it was a bad idea to be walking home this late at night, especially alone, but with no money it's the only option he had.

suddenly, he stops, feeling a presence behind him. he slowly turns around, almost screaming when he sees a man dressed completely in black, his face covered all apart from his piercing green-blue eyes. but, before he can scream, a strong hand is placed over his mouth and another strong arm wrapped around his waist to stop him from running away.

"if you make an attempt to run away, i will stab you directly in the heart. if you make any noise, i will stab you in the heart. there is no way you are escaping from this, princess, so i'd just listen if i were you" the man speaks quietly, his voice almost a growl.

daniel nods rapidly, his eyes wide in fright and shock.

the man quickly takes daniel's phone from his hand, stuffing it in one of his pockets.

"i'm going to put tape over your mouth, and i'm going to tie your arms behind your back. if you make any sudden movements or even squirm, you're dead, got it?"

daniel nods again, willingly doing anything not to be killed.

the man leads him over to a van in an alleyway, tying his hands behind his back and sticking the tape over his mouth.

he shoves him into the back of the van, laying him down and tying his ankles together too.

"i'm gonna put this blindfold over your eyes so that you don't see anything, i'll take it off as soon as we're in your new home, okay, baby boy" the man says, his voice soft.

daniel doesn't do anything, he just lets the unknown man do whatever he wants.

he wraps the blindfold around daniel's head, pulling it tight so that it doesn't slip off.

"the ride back won't take long, beautiful. you just stay there and don't move."

daniel's heart begins to pound when he hears a lock click, knowing that it would of been on the front door of the house.

the man picks daniel up bridal style, carrying him up some stairs and down a hall.

at the end of the hall stands a metal door with a lock and a number pad to enter a code. the man quickly enters the code, walking inside when the large door opens.

he closes the door behind them, dropping daniel in the middle of the room and removing his blindfold.

"this is your new home, baby boy. since you are my favourite by far, you get to share a room with me. all of the others were bad and screamed when i first took off their tape, but you won't do that, i know you won't. they are my slaves, they do everything for me. but you, you're my baby, i won't make you do anything" the man explains.

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