vi. find me somebody to love

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ROGER HEARD THE phone in his flat ring, and went over to answer it. He picked it up, "Roger Taylor speaking" he said in to the phone. A long silence met him, and he frowned. He could hear quiet breathing on the other line, but no one spoke. "Hello? Anyone there?" He asked again, feeling slightly unnerved.
"Wrong number. Sorry" it was a females voice, one that he vaguely recognised however could not place. Before he could say anything the woman had hung up. He was left confused.

He shrugged and went back to his room where he had been writing a song. He thought about women that he'd given his number to. He didn't do it often, only if there was a girl that he particularly liked. Most times it would just be a one night stand and nothing more, so he rarely gave girls his number.

A memory of him writing down his number on a note at a bar flashed up in his mind, it was Valentina. The blonde girl who's name and face he could not forget. She was so beautiful, but came across so uninterested, which only made him want her more. She'd been so enticing that he'd barely thought of anything else since the meeting that time after their one night stand. To him, she was more than just that, she was someone he would like to get to know better. He was, in fact, so fascinated by her that he was currently writing a song about her, or trying to at least.

His thoughts had been scrambled lately, he was unable to focus and he felt a little lonely. It had been a long time since his last serious relationship, and he found himself wanting one again. He had been filling the void with alcohol women he could sleep with and do only that, but what he needed was love. What he needed was the blonde woman who had captured his attention so strongly.

He was bought back out of his thoughts as he processed what had just happened. She had called him, but for some reason had acted like she didn't mean to do it, when he now knew who it was and that she had intentionally called him. He couldn't wrap his head around why she had hung up. Did she decide he wasn't worth her time? Was she nervous? He had no way of knowing, and now he would probably never see her again.


"You did what sorry?" Emilia scoffed, raising her eyebrows at Valentina.

The two were sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast together the next morning, discussing Emilia's date, and now Valentina's attempted call to Roger. She had debated even telling her, because she was scared she would get the reaction she was currently getting.

"Yes, I called him and hung up because I hate crushes" Valentina said sarcastically, "how can I be scared to fall in love? I don't even know if it'll work like that, I'm just, I don't know. I hate liking men" She huffed.

"You know, it might do you good to have feelings for somebody again. It's been a while, the wounds are closing and you're getting over it. Not every guy is the same as you know who, and love isn't an enemy that should be avoided at all costs" Emilia said, speaking only truths which Valentina didn't want to accept.

"Look, I know you're right but it doesn't mean I'm going to chase this guy cause I think he's handsome and he gave me his number. Love will come to me when it's supposed to, and I'm not going to try and make it happen" Valentina shrugged, sipping her coffee.

Emilia rolled her eyes, "well fair enough. I just want you to be happy, that's all I want for you, as cheesy as it sounds" she stood up from the table and started clearing the bowls that they had had breakfast in and putting them in the sink ready to wash up.

"And I appreciate that Em, you're the best friend a girl could ask for. Now let's stop being soppy, it makes me feel nauseous" Valentina pretended to gag, and stood for the table, finishing the last of her coffee.
Emilia laughed, "sorry. It has to be done sometimes. Besides, I know that deep down you're not as cold hearted as you come across" she joked.

"Don't expose me like that please" Valentina pouted, "anyway, I'm going to go get ready. I'll do the washing up this evening if you do it this morning?" She questioned.
"That's fine" Emilia smiled.

Valentina headed for the shower and let herself get clean while she stood underneath the hot water, thinking about the conversation she had just had with Emilia. She got out and headed to her room to pick out an outfit and dry her hair. She put on an ABBA record while she got ready, humming along while she dried her hair and applied a little makeup.

"I wish I wasn't so scared" she said out loud to herself. She was frustrated.

"Sorry?" Emilia called out.

"Nothing!" Valentina shouted back.

a u t h o r s  n o t e !
haha this chapter was shit. idk what that ending was🤢, sorry folks.
it will get better soon, i promiseeee!

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