xxxii. new years eve

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CHRISTMAS PASSED IN too little time, flying by before Valentina really had a chance to appreciate the fact that Roger was home. She had enjoyed the few days spent with their families, even though Roger still seemed slightly in his head about something. He spoilt her rotten on Christmas day, gifting her a beautiful diamond necklace that must have cost hundreds. He justified it with the fact that the album had been very successful and he wanted to treat her to something nice.

Before she knew it, it was December 27th, and Roger, Freddie, John and Brian were waiting at the airport ready to fly overseas and take on America. Valentina felt heavy in her chest, she hated the thought of him being so far away, but she was trying to ignore the feeling as she stood in the airport with Mary, Chrissie, and Veronica as they all said farewell to their partners.

"I'm going to miss you, Rog" she sighed, looking up into the familiar blue eyes that she loved and could be lost in for hours.

Roger cupped her face in his hands. "Baby, it'll only be a few more months, then I'm back for good..." he paused, "well, until the next tour of course" he chuckled.

She shook her head and laughed, "remind me why I got myself involved with a rock star? Such a bad idea" she joked, making him pout.

"You love me though, right?" his husky voice was quiet, his face lighting up as she stared at her.

She made a thinking face, her nose scrunching up. "Well, that's debatable" she watched his frown appear and let out a laugh, "course I do".

He pulled her lips up to his, and they met gently. She frowned into the slow kiss as she realised it would be too long until she did this again. He tasted of cigarettes and mint, and her hands wrapped into his hair as they shared the moment with one another. She savoured the feeling as she knew it would probably be a month or so until she could do this again, it was such a bittersweet feeling.

She finally pulled away, hovering centimetres away from his lips, eyes still closed, and sighing before she broke away more and let her heels drop to the floor again. "Have a great time. Be safe and don't be stupid" she reminded him, grinning cheekily as her thumb grazed his cheek.

Roger felt a pang of guilt return as she spoke, "I won't" he pushed it away, smiling at her. "I'll see you soon okay? Take care of yourself angel. I'll call you as often as I can, I promise" he spoke, holding her hands in his.

She grinned, "you better. You take care too! Have a great time" she replied. With one last peck on the lips, they finished their goodbyes and he joined the rest of the boys who were ready to head to their gate and board the plane. "Bye!" Roger called, waving in her direction.

All the women waved to their partners, bidding them a safe journey as they watched the four men depart. There were quite a few paparazzi around them now, taking pictures as the four men left for the second leg of their tour. Valentina watched until Roger was out of sight, and sighed.


It had been four days since the boys had left, and tonight was New Years Eve. Valentina had received a phone call from Roger earlier in the day, telling her their plans for partying in America that night. Valentina felt sad that she wouldn't be bringing in the New Year with Roger, but she had plans to go out with Emilia, Mary and some of her other friends, one of them being Natalie, whom Valentina had met at the album celebration party a few months back.

She had just finished getting ready, and she was wearing some tight blue bell bottom jeans with a gold bandeau top, and a pair of gold platforms. She had on the necklace that Roger bought her for Christmas, and her hair was left lose in big curls.

There was a knock at the door of her flat, that signalled someone arriving. She had told Emilia, Mary and her friends to come to her flat for a while before they went out, so that they could have drinks there and socialise a bit before they left to go and dance in the new year.

She opened the door to reveal Emilia in a very tiny dark green silk dress, with her brunette hair done in a pretty curly updo. "You look gorgeous, Em!" Valentina gushed at her friend.

"Wowie, so do you honey!" Emilia grinned back, nudging her friend as she smirked at her.

"Come and have a glass of wine with me!" Valentina replied, leading her through to the kitchen where they pulled themselves up onto the counter top, opened up a bottle and began pouring to contents into large wine glasses.

Mary arrived around fifteen minutes later, bringing three friends with her. Natalie, and two other women called Delilah and Janette. They were both very lovely and they all seemed to get along very well.

"Oh, you're the one dating Roger Taylor, aren't you? I met you at Mary's party a few months ago!" Natalie turned to Valentina as they all sipped wine and chatted on her sofa's.

Valentina nodded, "yep, that's me" she smiled, remembering the way the woman had looked at Roger back at that party, and how it had made her feel. She brushed it off, she couldn't possibly dislike the seemingly polite woman for it, most woman looked at Roger like that, but Valentina was the only one to have the privilege of actually getting to be with him.

"You're a lucky woman" Natalie winked, making Valentina feel slightly protective yet still proud that she had managed to bag herself someone like him.

"I'm aware" she joked back, making Natalie laugh.

The woman continued to chat until it reached 10.30pm and they decided to head out to a club, since they were now tipsy enough. Valentina pulled on a fur coat and they set off. They roamed the London streets until they ended up in a club that blasted rock n' roll hits, colourful lights flashing onto the dance floor.
This is where they saw in the new year, shouting loudly as the music faded for the countdown, before yelling "Happy New Year's" at everyone surrounding them. Valentina drunkenly embraced Emilia, the girls hugging each other as they both wished for a wonderful 1976.

a u t h o r s  n o t e !
this is the last bit of voger fluff ur gonna get for a while so hope u enjoyed it hehe.
another seasonally accurate update! happy new year everyone, i hope 2020 is kind to you all. remember not to put too much pressure on having a perfect year, every year has ups and downs, and that's what makes it special.

the next chapter is a lil mad, so brace yourselves for that. ily all who read this, your votes and comments make me so happy. (:

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