xxxvi. watch out, boy

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SHE PUSHED OPEN the door, walking into the familiar house in which she had been persuaded to go. The music was loud, but the excited chatter of many voices drowned it out a bit. She was wearing a shiny pink strapless dress that stopped just above her knee, and hugged her slim frame. Her long blond hair cascaded down her back in big curls, and her eye makeup was dark. And if looks could kill, everyone in the room would have dropped dead on the spot.

She headed through the room, making her way to the kitchen and pouring a glass of champagne. She spotted Mary, Brian and Chrissie on a sofa and went straight over, battling through the crowds of bodies. To her luck, she hadn't seen man she was dreading seeing yet. Maybe he wouldn't come. She sat down next to Mary and managed a smile at the three before taking a long sip of the alcohol in her glass.

"Val, you came!" Brian smiled, however she could see the surprise on his face.

"Yeah... couldn't miss out on Fred's big party now, could I?" she was smiling, but behind her eyes was some sort of sharpness, and her words managed to sound snarky and sarcastic. Brian knew that this was not directed at him, that she was probably still hurting a lot, despite her careless facade.

"Well, how's work?" Chrissie asked, trying to change the atmosphere a bit, and get her talking about something that had nothing to do with the band, or the drummer that broke her heart.

"It's-" she started, her voice trailing off as she spotted a figure enter the room. That messy blond hair, those goregous blue eyes, the cigarette dangling from his lips, it was no other than the heartbreaker himself. Roger Taylor.

His eyes trained over to her and they widened as he took in her appearance, surprised at her presence, let alone how she looked. His jaw dropped slightly, but she just scanned over him as if he wasn't really there, her eyes now narrowed slightly. She turned back to the group and finished her champagne, draining the liquid from the flute in one.
"It's great actually" she smiled happily, "everything's working out well."

She seemed too calm, and it could only mean one thing. Brian had his eyebrows raised, Mary looked slightly concerned, and Chrissie hadn't realised she was gripping her champagne flute a little too tightly. They were all waiting for an explosion, but instead they got nothing. Valentina wasn't the type of woman to cause a scene, they should have known that. She got up from her seat, glass in hand, her gaze set on the kitchen. "Going to go and refill" she murmured to the group.

She walked past the man with her head up, eyes focussed on the kitchen. She caught the familiar smell of his cologne and it almost made her feel a bit sick, and when she finally reached the kitchen, a wave of emotions hit her. She felt that she could no longer remain composed, she disappeared out of the view of everyone else and she let herself break down.

What was she doing? This wasn't her. She was supposed to hold her head high, show him what he was missing, and this certainly wasn't it.

Valentina took a few deep breaths, pulling herself together desperately, before anyone could see her. She wiped the single tear from her cheek in one swift motion, and poured herself another drink. She sipped it slowly, before heading back out to the living room. Roger was now sat with Brian, Chrissie, and Mary, and John, Veronica, and Freddie had appeared too. Great. She cursed internally. They all seemed to be in a deep discussion, and she felt stiff with awkwardness.

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