xxxiii. he's a heartbreaker

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( this chapter is written from
both   Roger    and     Brian's
perspectives in the first part. It's a
bit confusing but bare with me )

IT WAS THREE months into the second leg of the tour, and it was nearly over. The guys were on one of their usual wild nights out before they left a particular city, and this time they were in Canada, about to leave to fly off somewhere else. They were in some club, the lights low and the music loud, the air thick with cigarette smoke.

Roger swayed drunkenly at the bar. He was utterly hammered, and incoherent. He decided it was best to get a taxi back to the hotel they were staying in before he passed out, so he looked around for the other guys, spotting them on the dance floor. He decided just to head back without consulting with them, they would know were he had gone. He made his way towards the door, but there was a small slender female blocking his way. She had long dark hair, bright blue eyes and she looked about 20 at the most. She was dressed in a very skimpy dress.

"Excuse me" Roger mumbled, gesturing that he was trying to get passed.

"Wait" the young woman spoke, cemented in her place. "Aren't you Roger Taylor?" she asked, her eyes lighting up as a smirk danced across her almost angelic face.

"Uh, yeah.." he trailed off, just wanting to get back. Perhaps she wanted an autograph or something, however he was not in the frame of mind to do that properly at the moment. He could feel himself swaying slightly on the spot, his vision pooling onto only her, as his peripheral vision no longer existed when he was this drunk.

"I love your work, and you're even more attractive in person.." her Canada drawl escaped her painted red lips as she spoke to him. Roger rolled his eyes, of course she just wanted to get into his pants. He wasn't taking it.

"Look, I just want to leave. Thanks for the compliment, but this is all you're getting from me" he shook his head, pushing past her to exit the club.

"Wait!" The young woman called, placing a dainty hand on his forearm as she rushed after him. "At least show me to the nearest bathroom. The ones in here are disgusting, and I'm kinda desperate.." she spouted some random excuse to tag along with him, and he shrugged.

"Fine. There's one in the hotel lobby, come in my taxi. But after that you have to leave" he huffed, before leading her out with him, her arm wrapped around his waist. She sure was keen.

Brian's eyebrows furrowed together as he sipped his drink, catching sight of his blond friend escaping the club followed by a young looking brunette, attached to his side. Surely not, he thought. Surely it was just some eager fan who was desperate to talk to him and, well, do other things. But as Roger lead her out, Brian felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. The image of his friend Valentina flashing up in his mind, he couldn't let Roger hurt her.

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