xxiv. swimming and cigarettes

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ROGER WAS SAT in the recording booth, perched behind his drum kit. It was now late evening and the sun was beginning to set outside the window, making dramatic golden shades as it shone through the dark clouds that had appeared an hour earlier, chucking their rain down onto the tinny building. It made for nice acoustics in the little barn which was the studio.

He hadn't seen Valentina since around two, when she had rushed off to go and swim in the later afternoon. Just as they were about to record another part of a song, the door swung open and in walked Valentina. Her dirty blond hair fell down across her shoulders, soaking wet, and she was just wearing a very large knitted faded red sweater that fell almost to her knees, the sleeves rolled up a bit to fit her arms, and she also had on a pair of grey socks that reached up to below her knees. Her blue eyes popped out against her makeup-less, freckly face, her dark eyelashes stuck together from the water. She looked beautiful.

She slinked over to the beat up sofa again, plopping down onto it with a book in her hands. She caught Rogers adoring gaze and grinned, he shot her a wink, mouthing the words "you look beautiful" which made her insides go all warm. She just smiled back.

Valentina had been outside lounging by the pool, and she had also swam for about an hour, which was why she now felt exhausted. It had also started to rain whilst she was out there, but she weirdly enjoyed being in the water as it rained on her. She had floated on her back, letting the rain fall on her face as the listening to the soothing noise of it bouncing on the surface of the pool. She was one of those people who were considered odd because they loved the rain, but something about it made her feel so peaceful, the noise of it dripping off surfaces and onto the floor, the way it made everyone else go inside, so it always felt quieter when you were out in it.

After she had finished in the pool, she had come inside for a hot shower, which had been much needed as she got quite cold out there. She watched the boys finish recording for the day, and then when they all came out of the booth at around 7, in need of dinner, Brian and Roger came over and slumped down next to her, whilst Freddie and John disappeared, wanting showers before dinner was ready. Brian pulled a packet of fags from his pocket and lighter, offering one to Roger and Valentina too. They both took one, and he lit the ends for each of them. The three sat together smoking in silence for a few minutes.

"Right, going to head off and see how long it'll be until dinner" Brian announced standing up, and stubbing out his cigarette in the ash tray on the small table in front of the couch. "See you guys in a bit" he added, before leaving after the two exchanged "see ya's".

"So" Roger broke the silence, puffing smoke out as Valentina watched his lips. "You're looking incredibly beautiful" he smiled, making her heart beat quicken.

"Thanks" she replied, climbing on to him and straddling his lap as she took the cigarette from his mouth and into her own, because she had finished hers minutes before. She blew the smoke into his face, giggling.

He gave her a serious look, quickly taking the fag and stubbing it out in the ash tray, before leaning back on the sofa and pressing his lips to Valentina's in a needy manor. She broke away after a moment, a smirk on her face.

"Anyone likely to come back in here?" she thought out loud, suddenly desperate for Roger.

He chuckled, "not a chance. They won't be in here until tomorrow morning" he replied.

With that, Valentina kissed him again, a fire in her stomach which fuelled her actions. She tugged on his hair, before he turned over and trapped her beneath his body, laying her on the small sofa. She gasped for air as they separated momentarily, quickly tugging and the buttons on his shirt until she had undone them all, and discarded it to the floor. He pulled her sweater over her head, surprised to see that all that was left on her bare body was a pair of knickers and her socks. He smirked, to which she rolled her eyes.

"That was all you were wearing this whole time? That's a little cheeky" he grinned at her.

"I suppose.." she giggled, reattaching her lips to his neck and continuing what they had started.

About twenty minutes later, the two were laying on the sofa, slightly exhausted and cuddled up together. Valentina had her jumper back on, and Roger was in only his trousers, his top still discarded on the floor. Valentina nestled her head into his chest, sighing happily. "I'm hungry" she spoke, a few moments later.

"Well, dinner'll be ready now I expect, we should probably go before the others eat everything" Roger replied, brushing some hair out of Valentina face and placing a kiss on her forehead, before moving to stand up. She smiled and did the same, standing up and giving his shirt to him. He was doing up his buttons as they left the room, and John appeared while they headed to the kitchen, sending Roger a smirk.

"Looks like you two had a good evening" he joked, before disappearing off into the kitchen as Roger did his last button up, and messed with his hair in an attempt to tidy himself up. He laughed at his friends remark.

As the two entered the kitchen, they were met with Freddie, Brian, John and Paul all sat around the table eating dinner. There were two spare seats for Roger and Valentina, who huffed when she realised she was sat next to Paul.

He gave her a very disapproving look as she sat down, "don't you think you ought to put some trousers on Valentina? It's a little unladylike to come to dinner like that.." he sneered slightly.

"And don't you think you ought to mind your own fucking business Paul? The boys stroll around topless, so I think it's pretty alright if my knees are exposed" she snapped back, giving false smile before stuffing some food into her mouth.

"Valen-" Paul started in a scolding tone before being cut off by Roger.

"Oh fuck off mate, okay? If you've got a problem, bring it up with me." He huffed in the typical irritated tone he used when addressing Paul, before also beginning to eat his food. Paul rolled his eyes, not bothering to argue with the stubborn man. Valentina heard Brian snigger under his breath, and she looked up at him as he shot her a wink. Freddie was the only one who actually liked Paul, the others had a mutual hatred of him, so they approved of Valentina's comments towards him.

After dinner when they were all heading upstairs to their rooms, John pulled her aside. "Nice one Val, Paul needs a woman putting him in his place every now and then" he laughed, before heading off to his room.

a u t h o r s  n o t e !
i love sassy val, she's my favourite to write.
there was a lot of good voger content in this chapter so i hope you enjoyed!
also, i had no idea what to name this chapter so i'm aware it's a shit title.

going to dedicate some of my chapters to my regular readers/voters who keep this book going. so i'll start now...
this chapter is dedicated to goodoldlovergirl for being a regular reader of this book, and for your lovely comments! :)

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