xix. reunited

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TOUR HAD STARTED again, and it had been nearly a month now of them being away, and Roger and Valentina being an official couple. Valentina felt the happiest she had been in a long time, and it almost felt stupid when she remembered how reluctant she had been to pursue things with Roger.

The band and Mary had all been very pleased for the two, especially Freddie, who had picked Valentina up and spun her around upon hearing the news, to which she laughed and said "calm down, we're not getting married or anything" and he had responded with "not yet dear, but perhaps in a couple of years" and Valentina had rolled her eyes, but in her mind an image of herself in a white dress standing at the altar with a suited Roger appeared, and she couldn't help but feel some sort of way.

The last month had been something Valentina never would have expected. The boys were touring in America now, and doing so well. The news was that their shows were packed full of excited fans, and Mary and Valentina couldn't have felt prouder – especially Mary, as she had been there way back in the days of 'Smile'. A few nights a week for each week that the boys were on tour, Valentina would receive a call to the telephone in her flat from various different US numbers, and this would be Roger calling from a payphone at whichever venue they were playing that night. The calls would usually go as following...

"Hey Tina, how are you?" A cheerful Roger sounded into Valentina's ear as she lay across her couch, a cigarette held delicately between her fingers and the cream phone pressed to her ear. 

She smiled, "I'm well thanks Rog, how about you?" she replied.

"I'm great thanks angel" he sounded so full of energy, and she only wished she could be there with him to experience tour and the states, and to be side of stage with Mary (and Brian and Johns girlfriends), singing along to their songs and being the biggest supporters in the room.

"And how are Deaky, Fred, and Brian of course?" She asked another question, thinking of her dear friends and how they were doing.

She heard him take a breath before speaking, "they're good, as always. Missing you, y'know" he replied, making Valentina smile to herself as she took a drag of her cigarette before speaking again.

"I miss them too, and so does Mary. It's not the same without you lot around all the time, things get a bit more dull.." she paused, "But I miss you the most. You asked me to be your girlfriend and then you just fucked off on tour and left me here to do my day job – which is insanely boring compared with playing shows to hundreds of people each night" Valentina joked, with a laugh.

Roger chuckled, "your job is pretty cool though, Tina. But I am sorry for that, it wasn't the best timing, but what can I say? I'm not perfect" he joked.

She giggled, "you mean Roger Taylor isn't perfect? I am the physical embodiment of shock" the sarcasm rolled easily of her tongue. She knew however that his looks at least, were the perfect to her. His blond hair that framed his sharp jaw, his captivating blue eyes, and his alluring smirk all made up the man that Valentina had been unable to resist from the moment she first set her own soft blue eyes on him. His personality was wonderful too, but no ones perfect in that respect are they? Everyone has negative traits, but she hadn't really seen any of his yet (aside from his slight hot-headedness, but that just made her laugh – and sometimes it just made him more attrative).

Roger laughed again, "oh shut it, love. Anyway, tell me what you've been up to?"

And the conversation would continue with the couple exchanging news and anecdotes about their past few days, before they would say goodnight (or not, sometimes it was the morning for Valentina) and hang up the phone.

Valentina settled into this routine for the two months that they were away finishing their tour. She would wake up early Monday to Friday, go to work, get the bus home, speak to Roger in the evening, and on the weekends she would see Emilia and maybe go out, sometimes with Mary too (or instead). There were visits to the record shop amongst this, and Stef would ask her questions about Roger and how Queens tour was going – he had fast become quite a fan of the band, and found it pretty cool that Valentina was linked to them. He had met Roger briefly before they headed off on the second leg of the tour, and he and Stef seemed to get along fairly well for the five or ten minute chat that they had shared.

After a two months it was late March, and the band had finally finished their tour and returned home to London. After about a month of not seeing Roger, Valentina was incredibly excited to be reunited. It was a chilly spring morning when she and Mary were to meet up and drive to Heathrow airport to meet Brian, Roger, Freddie and John as they arrived back from America. Valentina was quick to jump into the shower that morning, putting on some blue mom style jeans, a pair of brown boots and a colourful jumper with a nice coat. She left her hair to hang down across her shoulders, and she was soon ready to leave her flat. She grabbed her bag and headed out of the door, going down to the car park to get in her car and drive to meet Mary.

When the young blonde woman stepped into Valentina's car, the two grinned at each other. "We're getting our boys back, finally!" Mary laughed as she strapped herself in to the small red mini which Valentina owned.

"It's been ages. I'm looking forward to it" Valentina replied with a smile, before starting the car and heading through the busy London streets to the airport.

Upon arrival, the women got out of the car and headed into the airport to where the boys would be coming out of their flight. After around ten minutes of waiting, Valentina spotted four men heading in their direction. She had to smile as she saw how they looked all walking together, wearing very fashionable clothes. Roger wore one of his fur coats with some jeans, and he had some dark glasses perched on his face. Freddie was in an outfit a little too extravagant for a flight, but that was one word that perfectly described the stylish man. Brian and John were wearing slightly more toned down outfits, but still looked very handsome. When Roger met Valentina's gaze he grinned, his pace picking up.

"Darlings!" Freddie exclaimed as he made his way over, but Valentina was already rushing towards Roger. As she met with his body he threw himself into her and spun her around, her feet lifting off the floor slightly as she smiled into his hair, happy to be engulfed in the familiar musky scent of cigarettes and his cologne again.

"Tina. You look beautiful" he smiled as he pulled away, placing a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Thanks Rog. It's so good to see you" she grinned in reply.

"And you love" he replied. She spent a moment longer with him before rushing to hug Freddie who had finished greeting Mary.

"You look exquisite my dear" he smiled as he took in her outfit.

She laughed, "thanks Fred, but I don't think I quite match your level of fashion right now" she replied, to which he laughed.

After greeting Brian and John with warm hugs and friendly hello's and a few jokes, the six of them made their way back to Valentina's car. Roger, Brian and John all decided to take a lift back with her, but because there was only room for five, Mary and Freddie headed back to their place in a taxi of their own.

As Valentina drove back into Kensington with Roger in the passenger seat, she concluded that she may have not felt this happy in years. Now that he was back, she was just looking forward to the next few months together and what they had to bring.

a u t h o r s  n o t e !
eek i feel like my updates are getting so irregular lately, so sorry about that! but i've been busy (i know i always say that but forreal though). i've been planning lots of chapters, and i know exactly how this fic is going to end now – but don't worry, there's still loads more chapters left! i'm nowhere near the end really.
i'm excited to keep writing this cause i have a lot of inspo at the moment, it's just about finding the time to get it all down. i have no plans at the end of the week so i'm hoping to have a little writing session then and get back on to having pre written chapters.

that was super long ramble, so i don't blame you if you didn't read haha. but ily people who read & vote. the support is appreciated 💘

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