xxxi. the long road home

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THE RAIN WAS beating down onto the windows of Rogers car as they sped along the motorway down towards Cornwall, on their way to see Rogers family. It was quite cold in the car, and the radio was playing quietly, Christmas carols being the soundtrack on the 23rd of December. It was dark outside, and Valentina was growing tired.

The boys had returned from tour yesterday, only having time off until the 27th, and then after that it would start again and Roger would be on a plane, flying to America. Valentina had expected Roger to be chatty, but he was silent for most of the journey, the odd conversation happening here and there. She assumed he was tired and that was it.

"Is there a blanket in the back?" Valentina asked, turning to look on the back seat for a blanket that could be found beneath their coats, some drumsticks and various other crap he kept in his car.

"No, sorry love. Just put my coat on" he replied, and Valentina reached for the light brown fur coat, wrapping it around herself and snuggling into it.

"Have we got long to go?" she yawned, it felt like they had been in the car for a long time.

Roger checked the time, "no, not long. About half an hour?" he guessed, turning to her and giving a weak smile. She wondered why he didn't seem himself. Surely he was just very tired from the demanding schedule of touring the world in a band, but he seemed as though there was something on his mind, getting to him.

"Rog? Are you alright?" Valentina turned to him. She could just tell from his body language that he wasn't himself. He was hunched slightly over the steering wheel, frown lines etched into his face, causing him to look concerned. His under-eyes were darker than usual, hinting at his lack of sleep.

"Hm?" he mumbled, relaxing his frown. "Yeah, I'm fine Tina. Don't worry about me" he brushed it off as though it were nothing at all, which set instant worries running lose in her head. She knew there were a problem, but the question was, would he ever open up to her.


It was nine o' clock when they arrived at Rogers little family home in Truro, and the both of them were very tired, yearning for a bed to sleep in. Valentina managed to muster enough energy to greet his parents, Winifred and Micheal, with smiles and friendly conversation, but after a cup of tea in the kitchen and a short chat, they were heading upstairs to bed.

Rogers younger sister Clare would arrive tomorrow with her boyfriend, and Valentina was glad that she didn't have one more person to meet in her tired and worried state. She just wanted to make a good impression, and right now she wasn't her best self.

So, they headed upstairs to where they would be sleeping, in Rogers old room. It was quite small, with a single bed in one corner, a wardrobe, a desk, and an old set of drums in the other corner by the door. The room had clearly recently been hoovered and cleaned, and there were fresh plain white bedsheets on his bed. You could tell that it had been unoccupied for quite a few years. There were marks on the walls from where posters had once been, probably of models and musicians. There was a larger box by the door that had writing on it in marker pen that read 'Rogers shit! (please take home/get rid of)' which made Valentina chuckle.

"So, this is where you spent your adolescence?" Valentina smiled, looking around, and walking over the window. The view of the street below greeted her, and past that many lights glinted in the darkness like stars lighting up a dull sky.

"It is" he smiled softly, coming over to the window after he put down their suitcases, and placing an arm around her waist.

She turned to him and looked up at him, and he leaned in, his soft lips pressing against hers. They stayed this way for a while, and the kiss grew more passionate as it proceeded. It had been a month since they'd had proper intimate contact, with him being on tour and all. They began desperately clawing at each other in a needy manor, Valentina's hands in his hair, his hands roaming her waist.

Roger pushed her back on the bed, letting her fall beneath him, the kiss growing more heated as his body hovered over hers. His warm hands pushed at the hem of her pullover, and she eventually let him pull of her sweater and vest underneath, leaving her in only her bra and jeans. She pulled his own top off, as he started to kiss down her neck and onto her chest, occasionally leaving small bites here and there. She let out small gasps, and she felt him smirk against her skin every time a moan escaped her mouth.

They continued until all clothes were off, and they were a sweaty, panting tangle of two bodies. It felt as though all previous worries had been taken from Valentina as she observed the beautiful man above her, droplets of glistening sweat forming on his forehead, his messy blonde hair falling around his face.

Roger looked her in the eyes. Perhaps if he made love to her with enough passion, he'd forget the guilt that had been simmering in the pit of his stomach for the past week. Perhaps it would all be okay if he just loved her with even more of the fibre of his being. He already had so much admiration of this beautiful woman, so why had he done this to her? He knew what he was doing now was wrong, ignoring what he felt and making Valentina oblivious to it. However, it just felt right.

Twenty minutes later, he lay in bed next to her as he listened to her light snores as her chest rose and fell, her long blonde hair spread out across the pillow, her face a picture of angelic beauty in her slumber. He looked up at the ceiling of the bedroom he grew up in, complete silence surrounding him in the darkness. Was he a bad man?
He didn't know himself now.

a u t h o r s  n o t e !
uh ohhh. what has roger done?
i hope this isn't too predictable and stuff, but i don't think it's what you might think it is.. so maybe its not that obvious? idk.
also.. merry christmas everyone! thought this update would be suitable for christmas as that's when it's set. i hope you all have a wonderful day and spend it with loved ones, if you're lucky enough to do so.

anyway the next few chapters will have lots of angst so i hope you like reading it hehehe. i know this chapter is the 30th one or something, but this book is gonna be kinda long, so i hope you don't mind(:
there's at least 10 more chapters probably?? so yeah.

ily all, have a wonderful day💓

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