xi. the movies

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VALENTINA PULLED HER hair back from her face, and tied her neatly curled locks into a ponytail with a few loose strands framing her face. She applied a medium amount of makeup, and finished it off with a dark red lip. She studied her appearance in the mirror. She was wearing a short black dress with small orange flowers printed all over, and she had on black sheer tights and black platform heels. She grabbed a large oversized denim jacket and a small bag, in which she put her purse, her lighter, a packet of cigarettes and her lipstick.

Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she went out into the living room to wait for Roger to arrive. It was six thirty, so she knew he wouldn't be too long. She hated the fact that she felt a little nervous, but it was inevitable seeing as she hadn't been in a romantic setting like this for almost years. She kept telling herself it was "just Roger", and that is was nothing be nervous about, which was somewhat true.

After a little wait on the sofa, she heard the bell for her flat ring, and she went to answer the door. When she opened it, she was met by the blue eyes and familiar smirk of Roger Taylor. He looked smart, in a black printed shirt and a nice brown jacket, with some black jeans. His shirt was buttoned so you could just see his chest, where a few silver necklaces hung down. He looked incredibly handsome. Valentina smiled at him.

"You look...insane" Roger breathed, taking in her looks.

She laughed slightly, "thanks. You clean up quite nice yourself, Taylor" she shrugged.

"Cheers. Well, you ready to get going?" He asked.

"Of course." She replied, grabbing her flat key and stepping out of the door, locking it behind her and placing the key in her bag.

Roger took her out to his van, and opened the passenger door for her. "Ooh, he has good manners. How nice" she joked, as she climbed in.

"Shush. I'm just being gentlemanly" he replied.

He got in the other side and started the van, driving off in the direction of the cinema. Roger turned the radio on, and turned up the volume, drumming his hands to the beats of the songs. Valentina pulled her lighter and a cigarette out of her bag.

"Mind if I have a smoke? I'll open the window" she said, before putting it between her lips.

"Sure, go ahead'" Roger replied with a nod, his eyes still focussed clearly on the road.

Valentina wound down the window and lit her cigarette, taking regular drags of it. It wasn't a long drive, and soon they had arrived the the movies. There were multiple posters for different films that were showing outside, and Roger studied them all.

"What do you wanna see?" He asked.

She hummed and looked at the options for a moment. "The great gatsby?" She questioned.

"Sure, whatever you want" he replied.

They headed in and Roger joined the cue of people waiting the buy tickets. When they got to the desk he bought both. "I would've paid for mine, Rog" Valentina said, nudging his side.

"Well it's a date this time, so that means I get to pay" he replied, looking pleased with himself.

"Fine. But I'm buying my popcorn." She snarked back, heading up to the desk where they sold food.

"I think not, love. We'll share" he quickly jumped in front of her, flashing the older woman behind the desk a wide smile. "Once large popcorn please" he said, switching on his charming mannerisms. Valentina rolled her eyes behind him.

"Sure, that'll be £2.25 please dear" she replied, and Roger handed her the money. She passed a very large bucket of sweet smelling popcorn to him and he took it with a grin, before turning to Valentina.

"You can thank me now" he joked.
She poked him in the arm, "thank you Roger" she put on an innocent tone and gave a stupidly large fake grin, which made him chuckle.

Once they headed into the dimly lit cinema, they found their way to some seats, and Roger insisted on sitting at the back. "Is that because you wanna make out like they do in movies? Because that's not happening." Valentina commented as they sat down. Roger stuck his bottom lip out like an upset child and she laughed. Soon, the lights completely shut off and the film began.

She was happily watching it, munching on some popcorn, when Roger placed his hand on her thigh. She felt a little warmer all of a sudden, and her stomach flipped. She had been so caught up in everything that she had almost forgotten that she wasn't supposed to be letting herself feel these things. She looked over at Roger but his eyes were fixed on the screen, however she knew he could sense her eyes on him.

After a little while longer, he began to inch his hand further up her thigh. She let him, until his hand was a little too high for her liking and she grabbed it and placed it back in his own lap swiftly. She felt him looking at her with a smirk, but she continued to watch the screen and act as though she wasn't aware of him. This only encouraged him to place his hand back on her leg, but she moved it to just above her knee and made sure he kept it there.

When the film ended and the credits rolled and the lights came back on, she turned to him and jokingly glared. "And what do you think you were doing back there?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at him.

"I was hoping you'd go along with it, not going to lie" he smirked back at her, standing from his seat.

"Not happening I'm afraid" she replied, as they started to make their way out of the cinema and into the cold night air.

Valentina pulled her denim jacket tighter around her as they got outside, realising it probably wasn't the best jacket to wear in the midst of November. As they walked to his van, Roger noticed Valentina shivering slightly.

"That jacket was a bad choice" he commented.

She nodded at him, "I know" she replied stiffly, her body shuddering as they climbed into the van.

"You want this?" He reached into the back seat and pulled out one of his famous fur coats.

"You sure? I'll be okay in a bit" she replied.

"It's fine. I don't mind" he replied, handing her his large thick coat.

"Sure" she said, smirking as she slipped the coat over her jacket and snuggled into it, enjoying the scent of Rogers musky cologne that lingered on it.

They sat there for a moment in silence, before Roger started the van. "You want to go home? I kinda fancy a drink" he said.

"It sounds good. But it's 9.30 on a Sunday, I have work tomorrow.." Valentina trailed off, "Sorry Rog."

"No worries. I'll take you home" he smiled at her, "another time, yeah?" He asked.

"We'll see. Perhaps" she gave him a cheeky smile.

He laughed and shook his head, "you and your 'maybe's."

a u t h o r s n o t e !
yay, things are starting to happen now!
let me know your thoughts on this chapter💕

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