vii. fate?

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IT HAD BEEN a few weeks now. Valentina was on her way to the record shop another evening after work. She had found the past few weeks a struggle for some reason, and music was her remedy whenever feeling down. She was still stressed over making her sisters bridesmaid dresses, and she had this dull sadness in her chest which constantly pulled her down. She didn't know why though.
She also wanted to see Stef. It had been a while and her conversations with him always put her back in a good mood, seeing how positive he was.

Valentina pushed open the door, signalling the bell as she entered Eddies Records. The familiar scent of cigarettes, incense and slightly old records greeted her as she stepped inside the shop. She smiled at Stef as his face brightened, "Valentina! You're back" he smiled.
"Hi!" She grinned.

After a bit of small talk with the friendly brunette behind the counter, she headed down the shop, looking for anything that caught her eye. She noticed quite a few people as she went, the shop usually wasn't this busy on an evening. A young girl of around sixteen smiled at Valentina as she browsed the same records as her. She had light blonde hair in tight ringlets, and bright red lipstick. She wore blue jeans that hugged her body and a t shirt that had a Beatles album pictured on the front. Valentina smiled at it. "Good taste" she said, nodding towards the shirt.

"Oh thanks! I love your outfit by the way" the young girl grinned.

Valentina looked down briefly at her denim skirt, vibrant shirt and knee high boots. "Thank you!" She grinned. The girl smiled back, before walking off to browse more records.

Valentina continued looking for things, picking up two records which caught her attention. She suddenly bumped into a large figure, dropping her records. She was initially annoyed, picking up the records with a huff.
She looked up and was met by two piercing blue eyes, "sorry love" he spoke in his deep voice.

"Drummer boy? As if!" She said, furrowing her eyebrows in disbelief.
"It's Roger actually" he chuckled.
"Whatever" she mumbled, "are you stalking me or something?" She said, not believing that she was seeing the damn guy again. Although, she could never be too annoyed, because he was in fact very beautiful to look at.
"No, I'm not believe it or not. Perhaps it's just fate trying to tell you something" he winked.
"Are you serious?" She giggled slightly, "you'd be more attractive if you weren't so cocky, by the way."

"It's all part of my charm" he smiled.
"Of course it is. Anyway, I've never seen you here before. You new?" She asked.
Roger frowned, "you come here a lot then?" He asked.
"It's practically my second home" she snarked back.
"I see. Well yes, I've never been here before. Got a bit of a charm to it though hasn't it?" He smiled, and for once it seemed genuine and not like a smirk.
"Yes, that's why I love it so much" Valentina grinned.

Roger picked a cigarette box out of his pocket and pulled one out, placing it to his lips and then frowning as his hand searched in his pocket again. "You got a light by any chance?" He asked.

Valentina reached in her own jeans pocket and pulled out her blue lighter, chucking it to him. He caught it and lit his cigarette, pulling it out and exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air.
"Thanks love" he replied, handing it back to her.

"I really came here because I wanted to see how many of our records had sold. It seems like we're doing well" he said, looking chuffed.

"Of course. Queen right?" She said, remembering the record she'd bought, and had actually played quite often since.

"You remember that? I'm guessing you've listened?" He asked, taking another puff of his cigarette.

"Bold claim to make buddy" she laughed, "but I have to admit I did buy one. I was too intrigued to see whether you were talented or not" she shrugged, turning back to looking at records.

"And? What's the verdict?" He grinned like a child.

"Well, you're pretty great I have to admit. Not to fuel your already massive ego.." she said, running a black painted finger along the cover of a bright vinyl.

Roger smiled, "that's nice of you. I'm glad you liked it." He moved away, "well I better be off, but I believe I gave you my number a while ago. So if you didn't get rid of it, I'd love to see you at one of our recording sessions sometime" he said, walking away.

"I'll think about it" Valentina shrugged, a small smile dancing across her lips.

Soon enough he was gone, and Valentina was left with the lingering smell of cigarettes and a musky cologne. She was ever so tempted to call him, because perhaps fate was really telling her to hold on to this one (and she was also a little hooked by the possibility of hearing Queen record a song).

a u t h o r s  n o t e !
hiii! hope y'all enjoyed this update.
this chapter is unedited because i'm lazy, so apologies for any grammar or spelling errors!
interesting things will be happening soon, so look forward to that:)

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