xxi. he's in love with his car

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"BABY, YOU NEED to hear this song I wrote today!" Roger exclaimed in a tone almost akin to that of a small child, as he rushed into the living room of her apartment. He'd been at the studio with the boys all day. It was now late May, and they were starting to work on their new album, which was yet to have a name.

Valentina looked up with a smile, "what's it called?" she asked, putting down the magazine that she had been reading on the sofa, and setting her attention on the excited blond that sat down next to her.

"It's called..." Roger left a pause for dramatic affect, "I'm in love with my car!" he finished.

Valentina let out a laugh that she had meant to disguise, "jesus Rog, we know that already!" she chuckled.

He rolled his eyes at her amusement, "it's not actually about my car! It's a metaphor y'see.." she trailed off, a little put out.

Valentine giggled again, "so what's the metaphor?" she urged, now intrigued to see how a song with a name as blatant as I'm in love with my Car could be about anything else.

"It's about you" he said simply, passing her a sheet of paper that he had been clutching. Valentina raised her eyebrows, then proceeded to read the sheet of paper, which had the song title written at the top underlined and 'by Roger Taylor, 23rd May 1975.'

Her eyes scanned across the words, taking them in. Roger watched as the blond woman's eyes widened and she stifled a shocked laugh. "When I'm holding your wheel, all I hear is your gear, when my hand's on your GREASE GUN?!" Valentina blurted, before bursting into childlike giggles.

Roger looked baffled, "what?! It's a work of art! This song is about you and all you do is laugh? Quite rude actually Tina" Roger commented in a tone that just made her laugh more. Valentina quite liked it when he got wound up over silly things, as his tone always managed to make her laugh.

She tried to stop her stream of laughter and look serious (which wasn't working all too well), "yeah Rog, it's lovely. I'm...i'm not denying that. It's great to know that you wrote a song about" there was another pause and a giggle, "how sexually attracted you are to me...where i'm the car?" the last three words were more of a question, as she still tried to get her head around the strange and hilarious metaphor that her boyfriend had presented so proudly to her.

Roger took the sheet of paper back off her, "you don't appreciate good art, do you Tina?" he smirked.
Valentina just shook her head, "well no, I think it's good. It's just a funny name that's all. Plus I need to hear how it actually sounds y'know, in the studio" he stated.

"Yeah, course. Well, maybe you can hear it when we go to record it at Ridge Farm" Roger stated.

She nodded, then frowned "wait, you're gonna record the album at a farm?" she asked, confused.

"Yeah. Paul thought it would be a good idea for us to get away from distractions and go to some recording studio in the middle of nowhere to record the album. Won't be for a few weeks yet though" Roger stated. Paul was the bands manager, who Roger took a great disliking to. Valentina had only met him twice, so she had no real opinion of him, but she trusted Rogers word.

"Oh, sounds um..good I suppose" she replied, feeling a little dismayed that she was probably considered one of Rogers 'distractions' and that he would away from her for a few weeks.

"Well the thing is, I was thinking you could come with us for a week, to see us recording and stuff. Plus I need you around...to distract me" Roger added with a wink, to which she laughed.

"I thought the point was 'no distractions'? Plus I have a job Roger, I can't just leave for a week!" She protested, as much as she'd like to accept the offer.

"Well, fuck Paul and his distractionless trips. Also, you can take a week off can't you? Say you're ill, or book it as a holiday?" he sounded hopefully, his blue eyes shining. How could she really decline?

She huffed, "fine. I'll try and get a weeks leave, but you better understand how much that means to me. I never, ever miss work or book time off!" She stated boldly.

"Well, all the more reason for them to give you time off then!" Roger smiled proudly before pulling her in for a huge hug and kissing her forehead.

A few weeks later, Rogers car was packed with stuff and one of those bags was Valentina's. They were road-tripping to this studio. Valentina's work had reluctantly let her have time off, she admitted it took a bit of persuading, as she was one of their most loyal and hard working members of staff, but they let her off as she never usually took any leave unless she had to. Paul didn't know Roger had invited Valentina, and he surely wasn't going to be impressed when he found out, but Roger enjoyed pissing him off. So they set off of their little roadtrip.

a u t h o r s n o t e !
haiii! i feel like this chapter ended in an odd place, but i wanted to start the next one as when they arrive, so it had to end here. the next chapter will probably be much longer. i've finally found more inspiration for this book, so i'm trying to do as much writing as possible while it lasts because i get writers block a bit too often..
anyway, thank u for reading !! have a great week & happy September folks <3

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