xviii. house bound

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VALENTINA WOKE UP and was immediately met by the sight of two blue eyes watching her from across the double bed. She was initially shocked, but her face softened into a small smirk when she realised that she was in bed with Roger. She remembered the events of the night before. It had been better the second time, more intimate. This time they knew each other well, and it felt special, like there had been a huge build up and it had been worth it. There was also no alcohol involved and it wasn't a blur like before, Valentina barely remembered her one night stand with Roger all those months ago.

However, Valentina now had a million things running through her head. One of the main ones being what this meant for the two of them. Would it mean they would now be an official couple? Or would they just be those friends that fucked and that was it? And now she also felt desperate to tell Mary and Emilia what had happened. Emilia would be so pleased, she had been rooting for the two before Valentina even recognised her feelings for Roger.

"Morning angel" his voice was slightly deeper and croakier at this time in the morning, and he wore a pleased smile across his face.

"Good morning" she replied simply. "Want a coffee?" she smiled.

"I'd love one" Roger replied.

Valentina climbed out of bed, feeling slightly embarrassed about her naked body as she did so. She knew that he'd seen it just the night before but she somehow still felt very vulnerable. She was quick to put on her underwear and a shirt of Rogers that was laying on the floor next to them. She could feel his eyes on her the entire time but she didn't meet his eye, instead she scurried off to the kitchen to make the coffee.

The next few days went by in a blissful daze of kisses, films, dancing in Rogers living room and listening to him play the drums. The chilling January weather kept the two quite happily house-bound together, filling any spare moments with intimacy.

Valentina was enjoying the stay at Rogers flat, however she knew that the heating in her own flat would be back by now and the water would be on again and she really had no reason to still be staying with him. She also knew that Queen's tour started up again in less than a week, and this paradise of being together yet nobody knowing was soon to end. She would have it this way forever if she could, being in her own little world with Roger, but that was unrealistic.

Valentina was currently lying on the sofa with her pyjama clad legs draped over Rogers lap as the two watched whatever film was showing on the very small telly in the corner of the room. She grabbed a cigarette from the packet on the coffee table and popped it in between her lips, taking a lighter and setting off the end. After a few drags, Roger pinched it from her and put it to his own lips, exhaling the smoke after a few seconds.

He turned to her, "I can't believe you called in sick to work for the past few days just because you love my company that much.." Roger chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Don't remind me Rog" she sighed. Ever since Monday, Valentina had called in to her workplace with a none existent cold and pretended that she was bed bound in her own flat because she was just unable to face the realities of the world. Being cooped up with Roger was something she never thought that she would enjoy enough to miss work for, but she did. She felt awfully guilty, but sometimes you have to do these things.

He laughed, "sorry love, but that's the reality. Also, tour starts back up next Monday so you can't stay here forever" he joked.

Valentina laughed, "I wasn't planning to. In fact, I told myself I'd go home tomorrow morning and then go to work. I need to get my shit together and face the world again. It's just been so nice...nobody knowing, just me and you together in our own little world" she explained.

Roger grinned, "I know what you mean..it's been great. But it doesn't have to change after this" he replied. "I actually have something to ask you.." he said, a hint of reluctance in his tone.

"And what's that?" she responded, curious.

Roger took her hand and pulled her onto his lap, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear before letting his hands drop into his lap. "I was going to ask you.. whether you would do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" he smirked a little, unable to take himself seriously.

Valentina chuckled, trying to hide the mix of emotions she was feeling. She knew that when she said yes, there would be no going back. What if he didn't treat her right, like he promised? What if he broke her heart? If she said yes now, it would mean she would end up falling in love, and that could mean heartbreak. Was she ready?

She quickly shook the negative thoughts away. Roger had been making her happy, and despite her anxieties about relationships, she knew that in the end it would make her happier. "Of course" she replied, before pressing her lips to his in a short but sweet kiss.

Roger grinned, "who'd have thought it? Valentina Quinn is my girlfriend" he smiled like a chuffed child, which made her giggle.

"Wait until we tell the others. I bet they'll say 'I told you so'" Valentina laughed.

a u t h o r s n o t e !
just wanna quickly say sorry it's been a while since my last update, i'm pretty busy at the moment. hopefully i'll start writing again soon and updates will be a bit more regular!
voger is official and i'm living for it. excited to write more cute stuff for these two. not sure how i feel about my writing in the chapter but hopefully you think it was okay. leave a comment if you're enjoying, and vote too! it would mean a lot to me.
thanks for reading!

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