xxvi. two left feet

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THE LIGHTS IN the marquee tent were dim as the newly wed couple swayed slowly to Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis. Daniels hands were placed delicately on Estelle's waist, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she stared lovingly into his eyes. Valentina watched from the edge of the large tent along with all the other guests that were circled around the couple, in awe of how happy and in love they looked. She was so pleased for her sister.

Roger watched as Valentina observed the couple, and she didn't seem to notice that the facial expression he wore was almost the exact look that Daniel was gazing at Estelle with. She was in love too, and she would have never imagined months ago that she would be in love while attending her sisters wedding – in fact, she thought it may be a painful experience that only bought back memories of her ex as she tried her hardest to stay strong and happy for her older sister.

When their first dance was over, the song changed to another slow love ballad, and the couple continued dancing, but guests averted their attention from them and began to dance a little at the sides with the people around them. Roger placed a hand on Valentina's waist, causing her to draw her attention back to him. She smiled widely when she saw the loving look in her eyes. He quickly pulled her in so she was pressed against his body, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, looking up at him.

"One day, maybe that'll be us" Roger spoke quietly, surprising Valentina. She had been having these thoughts all day, but had no idea that he would be considering the same thing. She didn't think men often thought about marriage in the way women did. "Getting married, having our first dance, starting the rest of our lives as a happily married duo" he winked, making her heart skip a beat at the thought.

She giggled, "yeah, I hope so" she waited for a few moments before she spoke again, "I love you, Roger" she smiled softly.

He beamed back, "the feeling is mutual, angel."

After a few minutes of dancing, the music transitioned into upbeat pop, and people started filling into the centre of the marquee tent to dance. Estelle rushed over to Roger and Valentina as Daniel began talking to some relatives and friends of his own. She pounced onto her sister with a grin on her face.

"Boo! It's me. How are you both?" Estelle asked cheerfully and she moved away from Valentina, shooting Roger a smile. She had met him briefly earlier after the ceremony, but hadn't had much of a chance to chat properly as there had been so many people she wanted to see and talk to.

"We're good. Great first dance Elle, so beautiful" Valentina gushed.

"Yeah, it was lovely" Roger smiled at Estelle.

"Oh thanks guys. I'm so glad you liked it!" She beamed, admiring the fact that Roger and Valentina looked incredibly good together.

The song Crocodile Rock by Elton John started playing through the large speakers and Estelle grinned, "ooh, I love this song! Come and dance guys!" she urged, pulling Valentina by the hand and nodding towards the dance floor at Roger.

"Well, I don't really dance you see. I've got two left feet.." Roger excused, but Valentina rolled her eyes as she looked back at him.

"He does dance, he just needs another beer or two, or maybe some wine" Valentina laughed, "come on Rog, lets dance" she grabbed his hand and pulled him with her and Estelle into the centre of the dance floor. He rolled his eyes but joined them, doing a slightly awkward shuffle as the two sisters threw themselves around, alcohol fuelling their careless moves. A few metres away their parents watched with amused smiles on their faces, "just like they used to dance in the living room, right Sue?" Victor looked to his wife. She nodded with a fond smile.

After Roger had had a few more drinks, he was dancing without a care of how he looked at all, and Valentina was incredibly pleased by this. Estelle had headed off to see other people, but the couple danced together for hours, into the early hours of the morning. Roger met many of Valentina's relatives, and wasn't too worried about it as he was drunk and so was everyone else. He seemed to get along well with everyone, which was nice for Valentina to witness.

It was around 3am when the couple stumbled back to their room, drunk and giggling, and full of adrenaline from the hours of dancing. Valentina was still full of energy, whereas Roger was getting tired, as he usually did after a few hours of being drunk on beer. "Rog, I'm not even tired" Valentina drew her words out like a small child and she dropped down onto the bed, still in her dress and heels. She pulled the shoes off her feet, and threw them onto the floor. She had barely worn them whilst dancing, but had to wear them to walk back to the room.

"Cursed fucking shoes!" she swore as she discarded of the silver heels. "Who even decided that woman should wear heels is situations where they might dance" she moaned.

Roger laughed and he sat down next to her. She moved so that her head rested in his lap, and he ran his hand through her hair. She found the gesture very relaxing, so she closed her eyes. She soon started to drift off into slumber, making Roger chuckle as she had insisted that she was wide awake. He shook her shoulder gently, "come on love, take your dress and makeup off, then you can go to bed" he spoke in a peaceful tone.

She groaned slightly, scrunching up her features. She stood up after a minute, walking into the en-suite bathroom and grabbing a wipe to remove her makeup with. Once she had taken it all off, and washed her face with some water, she took the clip out of her hair, letting her blonde curls fall loose. She walked back into the bedroom. "Rog, please undo my zip" she spoke, turning her back to him and pulling her hair one side. He did as he was told and moved over to her, standing behind her as he gently pulled the zip on the back of her dress down, causing it to fall to her ankles.

She walked over to the bed and climbed in, happy to finally hit the sheets. "Goodnight baby" she mumbled ever-so-quietly, asleep in an instant. Roger removed his suit and climbed in next to her, wrapping an arm lazily around her waist as he too, drifted into a deep sleep.

a u t h o r s n o t e !
ugh i feel like these recent chapters have been really bad:( couldn't be bothered to try and rewrite it for the third time though so sorry that it's quite a boring one.
anyway, soon there will be some angst happening so things will get a bit more fun to write. pls don't hate me for it tho lmfao.

ily all, thank u for the continuous support! you're great(:

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