xiv. a gift

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IT WAS DECEMBER the 23rd. Yesterday, the band had arrived back in London for Christmas after the first leg of the Sheer Heart Attack tour. Valentina was yet to see them, but today she had invited the four men, Mary, and Emilia around for some drinks and festive celebrations at her flat. She had decided that this little thing she was hosting would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Emilia to her new friends, as she was sure that she would get along with them just as well as Valentina did. Valentina had told everyone to arrive at 7, but Roger said he was coming a few minutes earlier because he wanted to give her a present.

Valentina felt guilty, as she had not been able to find anything to give Roger for Christmas. He had assured her that she didn't need to return the favour, but it still felt wrong to be given something and not give anything in return. Therefore, she had purchased a fancy bottle of red wine which she had put in a little bag with a label on, she had written something along the lines of:
Sorry its not a proper thoughtful gift, but you're hard to figure out. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Merry Christmas drummer boy! Love, Val

She was just getting out of the shower and ready to change into her dress when the doorbell rang. She cursed, wrapping her white towel tighter around her body and checking her appearance in the mirror. Her long hair was wet and falling across her shoulders, and she had no makeup on, the few freckles that were scattered across her nose and cheeks now visible. She sighed, realising she would have to answer the door like this. It was only half six, so whoever it was had arrived annoyingly early.

She opened the door of her flat to see the familiar blue eyes that shined with charm, that belonged to no other than Roger Taylor. "For fuck sake Rog! Why are you so early?" She cursed as she saw him.

"Nice to see you too, love the outfit by the way!" He winked, using his usual cheeky attitude to avoid her question.

She rolled her eyes, something she seemed to do a lot around him. "I'll ask again, why are you so early?" She replied, stepping aside to let him into the flat and closing the door behind her.

He chuckled, "better early than late right? And honestly, I just wanted to see you before the others got here" he replied, shrugging.

"Well that's nice I guess. I'm gonna go and quickly get changed, okay? Make yourself at home." She shot him a little smile, before turning to walk to her bedroom.

"Why would you want to do that? I think you look fine as you are" He joked, smirking.

"Shut up, drummer boy!" She called as she headed to her bedroom, she was smiling slightly but at least he couldn't see that.

She only took a few minutes to change into a cute little red dress and some black sheer tights. She left her hair to dry in a loose braid and applied a small amount of makeup but added a red lip. When she reappeared, Roger was sat in the living room waiting for her.

"You look gorgeous" he commented as his eyes scanned her when she entered the room. She smiled, confused as to how he managed to be so charming yet annoying at the same time.

"Thanks!" She replied, walking closer to him.

"I have a present for you.." he added, holding up a square gift wrapped in pretty paper.

"Oh, one second!" She replied, running back into the kitchen to grab the wine off the side of the counter. She went back to the living room and sat down next to Roger, handing him the bag. "Merry Christmas" she said, smiling as he took it and read the label.

He took the wine out and examined the bottle, "thanks Tina. Looks nice, do you wanna open it now?" He asked.

"Are you sure?" She replied. He nodded in respose, "okay then, I'll go and get some glasses." She came back quickly with two wine glasses, and Roger popped open the bottle and poured them both a drink. They clinked them together lightly as Roger mumbled "Merry Christmas" before taking a sip.

He placed his glass down on the table next to him, before handing Valentina the gift. "Here you go love" he said. She smiled, "thank you!" as she began to slowly tear the paper off the gift. She pulled a vinyl out of the wrapping paper, and smiled when she saw the cover of Queens very own album, Sheer Heart Attack. She owned their most recent single, and one of their older albums, but she had not yet bought the album that they were currently touring. She had heard many of the songs played to her by Roger and the guys, and knew pretty much all of them, but she had not bought it yet.

"Aw, thanks Rog!" She grinned, examining the vinyl cover in her hands.

"You don't think it's a bit naff that I got you my own album for Christmas?" He laughed.

She giggled, "no. I mean, I haven't got it yet so you might as well have. And not to sound cheesy but you guys make great music, I'm a fan of yours" she joked.

Roger laughed again, "a fan? I'd bloody well hope so. When we start the second leg of the tour, we're playing here in London, and you're gonna come and watch. I want you to be singing all the words, so you better get listening" he said, a large grin spreading across his face.

Valentina let out a laugh, "well, I better get on that then, hadn't I?"

Soon, Mary and Freddie arrived, and they were closely followed by Emilia, and then Brian and John. Valentina put some of her favourite records on, enjoying the music in the background as her friends sat around in the living room, chatting and drinking. Emilia seemed to get on very well with the boys and Mary.

When she went into the kitchen to get another bottle of wine from the cupboards, Emilia followed. "I see why you have a thing for him now, he's pretty easy on the eye isn't he?" Emilia laughed, as Valentina poured wine into her glass.

"Course he is. But don't you try anything, okay?" She half joked, but was also half serious. She sipped from her glasses, before filling Emilia's too.

"I would never. He's all yours Val" she grinned, giving her friend a wink. Valentina just nudged Emilia in the ribs, before they both headed back out into the living room. She sat down between Brian and Roger, and noticed that Rogers glass was empty. "Fancy some more?" She asked, holding the bottle up to him.

"Go on then" he smiled, lifting his glass so she could fill it. Valentina smiled, "it's nice to have everyone together, isn't it?" She said, leaning into him slightly.

"Yeah, it is." He replied, snaking an arm around her waist. Valentina caught eyes with Mary and noticed that the blonde woman was giving her a chuffed smile, she just chuckled and rolled her eyes at her.

a u t h o r s n o t e !
hope you guys liked this update! i'm enjoying writing this now that the story is moving along a bit.
as always, please vote 'nd comment if u enjoyed! it means a lot to me 💛

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