Just Dance

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Chapter 13

Zoëy's Pov

I was woken up by my phone ringing. I groaned reaching over and feeling around till my fingers touched the smooth screen of my iPhone 5s.  "Hello? "I answered with my voice sounding raspy. "Hello this is Clarissa Martin, from CDC. May I please speak to Zoëy Bruan?" He cheerful voice filled my ears. I quickly cleared my throat before placing the phone back to my ear. "This is her speaking." I said in a professional voice.

"Hi Zoëy, I was calling to inform you that practice has been moved from 9 to 8, this due to another practice being held at 9 and the traffic would be hectic." Her voice still as cheerful as when I first answered. "Alright that's fine."
"Alright I'll see you there." I heard the dial tone indicating that she hung up.

I looked at the time on the top of the screen. '7:27'. I quickly got out the bed rushing to the bathroom. I did my regular morning routine, brush my teeth, wash my face, ect.

I slipped on a black dotted leotard, some black Nike Pro shorts, and my black and white designed Huaraches.

I grabbed my bottle of water out the refrigerator. I grabbed the key to the silver Ferrari and quickly got in the car. Scooter let me borrow this car for now, but I'm gonna buy my own soon.


I parked in the parking garage. I grabbed my bag from the passengers seat and shut the car off, making sure to lock it.

I got in the elevator and waited patiently for it to bring me to the lobby.

"Hi Welcome to CDC. How may I help you?" A lady with blonde hair and green eyes, spoke with a cheery smile on her face. "What studio is Clarissa Martin's class in? "I returned a smile.

"Studio 4, third floor.

"Thank you! "I said before walking away towards the elevator.

When I walked in everyone was sitting around talking. I thought I was late.

Someone ran up to me and hugged me. Once they pulled away I noticed it was Zendaya. We meet at the additions for this company.

"Okay time for us to stretch."Clarissa said walking out her little office.


"Bye." I waved to a group of girls.

I looked the time and it was 2:45pm. My stomach growled as I sat in the car. I pulled out the parking garage and drove towards Zaxbys.


As I pulled up to house I grabbed my salad and walked toward the door. I fished my house key out my pocket and stuck it into the keyhole. I slipped my shoes off careful not to drop my salad, and walked into the living room. I took a seat on the couch and turned on KUWTK as I pour dressing onto the salad.

Justin's Pov

I walked down stairs and saw Zoëy sitting in the living room. She didn't even look at me. Guilty took over me as I watched her not even acknowledge me.

"Zoëy I am sorry."I spoke running my fingers through my hair. She stood up and walked towards me, I thought she was gonna hug me. She walked past me into the kitchen. This is all my fault. Now I've lost two important people.

This chapter is really short.

ig/ drewxdope

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