Lets Hang

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Chapter 39

3 Days Later

*Beep *Beep *Beep

I turned off my alarm as I sat up in bed.

I hopped out of bed happily remembering today I have dance practice. We were on break for a few days and I was really beginning to get bored of staying home.

Clarissa still wasn't back and the competition was in 3 weeks.Today I didn't have a class to teach, I just had to learn a choreography for a duet I'm doing.

I did my normal morning routine.


I stepped out the shower and dried my body and quickly put on a jersey that had white bold writing across the chest, some black sweatpants, and some black and white Nike Roshe. I pulled the top part of my hair in a bun leaving the rest to fall messily down my back.


Once I pulled up to the studio building I grabbed my dance bag and quickly got out the car making sure I had everything.

I walked in the building and headed towards the elevator.

When I opened the door I saw Charlize and Evan.

"Hey Zoë."Charlize said glancing away from her phone.

"Hi Char."

"Sup Zoë?" Evan greeted as I put my bag in the corner next to Char's.

"Hi Evan." I waved.

"Okay, let's get to stretching then we can learn the choreography."he said as the beat of Take Care of You by Rihanna and Drake flowed through the speakers that surrounded the room.


"That was perfect." Evan complimented as we finished the choreography.

"Nick can we please put it on Instagram?"Char begged.

"Yes."he said

The song Grown Women by Beyonce began playing.


I grabbed my phone and tap on the Instagram app.

I posted the video.

Me and @charlizey1 killing this dance. Great choreography @evandances

Evan and Charlize posted the video also.

"Okay guys that's all for today."he said clapping his hands.

"Thanks Evan."me and Char said in unison. We both laughed.

"See you later Zoë."

"See ya Char."

I grabbed my bag and took my keys out as I walked down the hall towards the elevator doors.

"Zoëy." Someone called behind me. I turned around and it was Aaron walking towards me.

"Hey Zoë."he hugged me. I give him a warm smile. "Hey."

"So where you heading to?"he asked as we began to walked towards the elevator side by side.

"I'm about to go to my boyfriends house for a little." I said pressing 'lobby'.

"Oh, do you want to come over my house and watch some movies later?"

"Yeah. I'll text you." I said walking towards the area where my car is parked.

"Yeah that's fine."he said nodded.

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