Wild Bitches

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Chapter 28

Warning Sexual Content

Justin pulled up to the back of the club. His security that was following us opened both of our door. I got out the car and walked next to Justin. He placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked.

"Wassup Bieber."he opened the door. "Hey Zoë." I waved and he closed the door behind us.

Once I stepped inside I was smacked in the face with the smell of alcohol and a mix of sweat. Music blasted through the speakers.

Justin pushed me in front of him softly and guided me through the long ball with his hands on my waist holding me against his chest as we walked.

We walked into one of the many V.I.P sections and a group of boys sat in the seats. I'd seen them around Justin and we'd talk a few times. I really took a liking to Khalil.

"Aye Bieber brought the sexy lady." Khalil called out. I blushed as they hooted. "Watch it." Justin warned as he sat down and pulled me into his lap.

A server walked up and asks us what would we like to drink. Justin ordered two Martinis for us.

He quickly returned with our drinks and scurried off. I sipped my drink as Justin had a conversation with the boys.

My phone vibrated in my bra. I grabbed it quickly and it was a text from Madison.

From: Madison
I can't come😒My mom is bitching about how I have to spend time with her

To: Madison

I put my phone back into my purse and leaned back onto Justin's chest. I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. I turned my head to the side so my mouth was in front of his ear. "Justin I'm bored." I whispered.

"Do you wanna dance?" He asked turning his attention to me. I nodded.

He tapped my thigh signalling for me to stand up. "I'm gonna go with her but well be back." Justin said to them before bed walked towards the crowd.

We began to dance to the beat of Wild Bitches by PARTYNEXTDOOR. Justin mumbled the lyrics in my ear as our body's moved to the beat.

I've had a little too much to drink (vodka, tequila shots, a few Martinis) and I guess you could say I'm drunk.

"Zoëy lets go." Justin said laughing at my drunk behaviour. He grabbed my waist leading me through the group of bodies dancing against each other so I wouldn't trip over any of them and cause a scene.

"We're gonna head out cause little Zoëy here is drunk." Justin said to the boys. I have a big smile and waved.

Justin guided me back down the long hall the we entered through and out the door to the car.

He put me in the car buckling the seat belt, before he ran to his side and got in.

"Justin." I whined.

"Yes Zoëy." He spoke keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm horny." I pout placing my hand on Justin's lap rubbing my hand back and forth.

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