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Faith Elizabeth

My heart raced as I checked my outfit for the final time in the mirror. My black jeans hugged my legs and I tied my loose white T-shirt into a knot at the front before putting on my denim jacket with sweaty, nervous hands.
"Are you nervous?" Mum asked peering in the doorway and I couldn't help but roll my tired eyes.
"Why would you ask me that? You already know what the answers going to be" I said running my hands through my newly blonde streaked hair.
"Loose the attitude. I was just asking." She said and I sat down on the bed.
"What if they don't like me? What if he doesn't like me?" I questioned and she shook her head.
"They will like you. You sent them the audition tape and they chose you. If they didn't like you then they wouldn't have chosen you my darling" she comforted and I nodded.
"I've waited to meet him for so long" I smiled and mum nodded.
"You've talked about him every day for years on end. And I would have taken you, but all his tickets sell out so quickly" she sighed and I hugged her tight.
"I know. Thank you for trying" I smiled.
"Well no need for tickets now. You're meeting him!" Mum said and I nodded quickly, feeling the excitement, but my beating heart reminded me of my nerves.

"I feel like I could be sick" I said feeling suddenly light headed.
"Go to the toilet then. Do not be sick on this carpet." Mum laughed and I shook my head, trying to regain some sense.
"It's Shawn though Mum. As in Shawn" I beamed.
"I know it's Shawn baby. I saw the email. I saw your audition tape" she smiled with a roll of her eyes.
"Like I've had him on my phone screen for two years and now he's going to be stood in front of me" I swooned.
"You're obsessed" Mum laughed but I shook my head.
"I'd rather call it a deep fondness of him" I said and looked down at my phone.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Mum asked but I quickly shook my head.
"I'm seventeen mum I can sign and understand everything on my own" I smiled.

That wasn't the only reason I didn't want her to come. I was seeing Shawn Mendes. I couldn't have mum babying me in front of him. I had to look independent and grown up and mature. Even if I wasn't any of those things. I would never have a chance to impress him if Mum was treating me like a baby and speaking for me. No way. I had to do this on my own.

"Do you know which trains you need to catch?" Mum asked as I was sliding my shoes on.
"I'm pretty sure I do. And if I forget then there's always maps and things" I smiled.
"I really think I should come with you Faith" Mum said and again I rolled my eyes.
"Mum, I really need to do this on my own. I can text you if I need you." I said and hugged her tight.
"I don't know Canada Faith."
"Neither do I Mum. That's the adventure" I smiled.
"But what if you end up in a place that you don't know?"
"Mum stop worrying ok? I love you. I'll be absolutely fine and I'll text you to let you know what's happening"
"Have you saved Andrews number just in case you get lost?" Mum asked and I pulled out my phone to show her I had.
"See? Everything's going to be fine. This is exciting for me" I beamed trying to make her as excited as I was.
"I know I know. I'm sorry I just worry about you"
"I really have to go now mum" I smiled opening the door.
"Try not to freak out infront of Shawn" she smiled as I walked out.
"Yeah I can't promise anything" I shouted back.

As I walked I put my headphones in and took in my surroundings. The city was so beautiful. And cold. When I heard we were shooting in Canada I didn't expect it. I thought we'd be filming in California or something like that. But I'm glad we weren't. I loved the cold more.
The warm jumpers, jeans, the warm hats and jackets. I loved it all.

I followed the little map on my phone until I eventually got to the little train station.
There was barely anyone in here, except myself, two workers, an elderly woman clutching her bag and two men, both with sunglasses and hats on, odd for a cloudy day.

I paid for my ticket and clutched it tight. This is where I got nervous.
"Oh no" I said as I looked around. For a small station there were a lot of signs and platforms. "That's not good" I said trying to figure out where the hell I was supposed to be.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and almost jumped out of my skin, clutching onto my bag.
"I didn't mean to make you jump. I just noticed you looked a little lost" a male voice said and I turned to see it was one of the men with the sunglasses on.
"Oh. Yes I am a bit." I said and showed him my ticket.
"British? My wife's British. That's this platform here so just stay where you are" he said and I nodded.
"Thank you" I smiled.

The man walked back to his friend and then walked out of the station completely. I clutched my bag even tighter making sure that everything was still in there.

The train pulled up and I quickly looked for an available seat. I looked around and the only openly available seat was next to that mans friend who still had his sunglasses down.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked and he nodded after a large sigh. Rude.
But no rude man on the train was going to ruin the fact that this was the greatest opportunity I could have ever hoped for.

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