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Faith Elizabeth
We were sat in one of the most extravagant halls I had ever seen in my life. Everyone sat at the table was important and famous, even if I didn't recognise many of them. Shawn seemed to know most. The only person I recognised on the table was Hailee Steinfeld.
We shared the odd comment over food but once all the plates were cleared and people started to get up and walk around I felt awkward.
"You look amazing" I said to her earning a smile.
"Thank you! So do you, I've never really seen a dress like yours" she said and I shrugged.
"Me neither. This all so overwhelming" I sighed.
"You get used to it. And you've got a good date" she giggled.
"I certainly have" I sighed.
"You two aren't together are you?" She asked and I shook my head.
"No we're not" I sighed. "Is it bad I barely know anyone here?" I asked her and she smiled.
"No. I hardly know everyone. And if I don't know everyone, I don't expect you to" she giggled and I nodded.
I turned back to Shawn as she spoke to the man next to her.

I picked up my glass and dipped on the water.
"So Shawn, you're a handsome, respectable young man, You could bring anyone you so desired, why bring the girl in your video?" A man asked and I choked on my water, coughing, not believing his question.
"Excuse me?" Shawn said and he repeated the question. I felt Shawn's hand rub against my back as I continued to cough.
"Because I chose to. She's one of the nicest most genuine people I've met and I like her" Shawn said and the grey haired man smirked.
"She's not famous. She's not important" he said and I scoffed.
"You have no idea who I am. You don't know anything about me. Besides you must not be that important, I have no idea who you are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a look around" I said patting down my dress and walking away from the table.

I tried not to give his words a second thought. But they showed me how I didn't belong here. I wasn't like all of these people. I wasn't famous. I still went to school, I didn't have any extraordinary talents, I hadn't won awards, I didn't have respect from well known celebrities.
I walked around the building into multiple display rooms, my favourite, a room with a fairy lights, fake trees covered in cake flowers, ponds, artificial rain falling into the pond like a waterfall.
The room was dark. The only light coming from the small fairy lights.
"Beautiful isn't it?" I heard from behind me and I nodded.
"It's my favourite room I've seen" I said walking round the trees.
I subtly noticed Shawn take out his phone, filming round the room, taking the occasional photo of me, and the decor.
"Can I post these?" He asked and I nodded as I continued to wander round, running my fingers over the edge of the pond.
"You really do look lovely tonight" he said walking over to me.
"Thank you. So do you"
"Don't think about what he said. It's not worth even thinking about" he said putting his hand round my waist.
" I'm not. I've become used to blocking out people I don't want to listen to" I giggled and he smiled.
"This is perfect don't you think?" He asked and I nodded.
"Better than anything I've ever witnessed" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Best date you've ever had?" He asked and I nodded quickly.
He quickly plucked one of the fake flowers from the fake trees and held it out to me.
"Shawn! You can't just do that!" I giggled and he shrugged.
"Oh well. So, how about it then shall we give it ago?" he said and I raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I said, my heart rate increasing.
" be my girlfriend?" He whispered and my knees went weak. I had to sit on the edge of the pond.
"Well that wasn't much of a chat" I breathed.
"Is that a no?"
"So its a yes?" He said with a small smile.
"Yes Shawn" I squeaked, standing up again, planting a kiss on his lips. "But you have to promise me, that as soon as it doesn't feel right, we end it, and we talk about absolutely everything" I said placing my hands round the back of his neck.
"Of course. This is like my first proper relationship since finishing school" he smiled holding my waist.
He kissed my cheek sweetly before we walked round the rooms. He held my hand in his tightly.
"There's a gala after party, do you want to go?" He asked and I shrugged.
"If you want to then I'm happy to" I smiled, placing a small kiss to his mouth.
"We can go for a little bit if you don't mind?" He said and I nodded.

"Holy fuck, don't leave me!" I tried to yell over the loud music. I saw him laugh, shrugging off his jacket, before quickly reattaching his arm to my waist.
He grabbed the long train of my dress and tucked it into the lace back of the dress.
"Now you won't trip!"
"Thank you!"
The music was pounding in my ears, I could feel the base vibrating in my chest.
"What do you want to do? Dance? Sit? Drink?" He shouted into my ear.
"We can dance for a bit? But I'll warn you I'm not sure I'll be any good" I shouted back and he nodded.
He took my hand and we walked into the mass of people dancing. I tried to look round to see how this was done, but all I could really see was that people just, moved.
I turned round to Shawn and threw my hands up, "I don't know how to do this" I whined and he laughed.
"You take dance classes!"
"Not this type of dance!"
"Come here," he said, he reached for my waist and pulled me into his body. I wrapped my arms round his neck as our bodies pressed together.
We just gently swayed and moved to the music, pressed against each other.
Everyone was singing and dancing and it was a spectacle to watch.
I just held Shawn close to me and followed his movements.
"Are you ok?" I said in my ear and I nodded. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face.
I saw him tilt his face towards me and I pulled back slightly, "Are you sure?"
"Am I sure that I want to kiss my girlfriend?" He said and I bit my lip as the reality sunk in. I was his girlfriend.
I smiled and he pressed his lips to mine softly. I don't think I'd ever get bored of this feeling. The tingling up my spine, the twist in my stomach. It was a feeling I never wanted to be without.

 It was a feeling I never wanted to be without

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