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Shawn Mendes
"Who was that girl with you?"
"Who was that?"
"Shawn are you taken?"
Those were the questions rattling round the group of fans as I took photos. I thought it best not to respond and just brush it off.
I knew this was going to be over tabloids by tomorrow. I'm glad Andrew knew what to do.

As soon as I was sure I had taken pictures with anyone who wanted one, I continued my walk to the car.
I wasn't sure how I felt about Faith. She was almost too shy, but I could tell she was kind hearted. I just worried that her shyness was going to make this video shoot harder than I thought.
It was going to be different for me to do more sexy and I was already stressed out from having to focus on the tour on top of shooting the video and keeping fans happy. I just had to keep focused.

"Is everything ok?" She asked looking concerned.
"Of course. The questions are already being thrown around. So just be prepared to see your face in the tabloids or on Snapchat tomorrow" I sighed starting the engine.
"Oh wow. Ok" she said nodding slowly as she fiddled with her phone.
"Are you truly ready for this?" I asked her.
It was an honest question. In this business you have to have thick skin and not be afraid. But I could see that she was afraid, and looked quite vulnerable.
"You don't think I'm ready?" She replied and I knew I had to be honest with her.
"I think you're afraid and honestly a bit vulnerable. You have to have thick skin in this business"
"Of course I'm afraid. I afraid about being in a new country, and impressing all of your team and yourself, I'm afraid about a lot. But I don't let my anxiety rule my life. If I did that then I wouldn't get anywhere." She explained and I understood.
I knew what that felt like, having anxiety and stress about all of those issues. I knew what it felt like to have to be able to push that anxiety away and get on with your life. But i also knew that it was easier said than done.
As she spoke I got the feeling that she was a closed person. She didn't want to open up quickly.

"You don't have to worry about impressing me" I said and started the drive.
"Well I do. If you don't like me you can just get me replaced." She said shrugging.
"I meant you don't have to worry because I'm already impressed. I saw your video, and when you're not in that board room you're more sure and confident" I told her. "Why is that?"
"Am I in a therapy session now?"
"No no I mean I-"
"Shawn I'm kidding. I don't know. Less people to fuck up in front of" she sighed.
"How are you feeling about the video?"
"Can I know why?"
"I'm not extremely body confident. All the other girls in your videos are prettier and thinner than I am. And I'm not just digging for compliments" she said and I could tell she was self conscious.
I didn't know what to respond at first. I just sat there like I was agreeing with what she said. I didn't feel like we were comfortable enough with each other for me to comment on that type of thing.

We spent the rest of the drive in silence and there was something digging at me. I regretted not responding to what she said.
She pointed to her building.
"I'm literally just round the corner" I said and pointed to where my parents house was.
She nodded without saying anything and I wasn't sure if I had hurt her feelings by not saying anything.
"Bye Shawn" she said jumping out of the car. As she walked I rolled down the window.
"I'll text you and we can meet up" I said and she nodded.

I drove off around the corner and parked up outside my parents house. I quickly ran inside and was met with Aaliyah, mum and dad.
"What's she like?" Mum said first and I shrugged.
"Shy and self conscious but she's nice" I said.
"What's happened?" Dad said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Nothings happened." I said but he just raised his eyebrow, "We we're in the car and she was saying how she felt self conscious because all the girls in my previous video were prettier and thinner than her and I just didn't respond"
"Ouch" Aaliyah said.
"Well if my idol didn't respond to me saying something like that I'd be a little bit hurt or embarrassed" she explained.
"Well now I feel terrible"
"You can't please everyone Shawn. No matter how hard you try"

 No matter how hard you try"

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