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Faith Elizabeth
'I'll pick you up today. See you in a minute x'

That little x at the end of his message made my heart flutter.
But I was still so nervous I could hardly sleep last night or eat breakfast.
"Mum I'm going to go now" I said with a yawn.
"Shall I drive you?"
"No, Shawn's outside" I smiled and she nodded.
"Well good luck. I'm sure you'll smash it. See you later" Mum said with a reassuring smile that made me the tiniest bit more confident.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the door. I was so nervous as I had no makeup on and casual clothes on. I didn't want Shawn to see me like this.
I saw him sitting in his car with his sunglasses on and I shook my head with a smile.
"You realise it's a cloudy day right?" I said as I walked up to his car window.
"But it looks good" he smiled.
I smiled back and walked around to get in the passenger seat.
I immediately turned my face away from him and looked out of the window as he started to drive.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Yep. A bit nervous."
"Are you hiding your face from me?" He said.
"I just don't have makeup on and I didn't sleep last night" I sighed.

"Look at me" he said as we stopped at a red light. I turned my head slowly.
I hated the fact that I had dark circles under my eyes.
"This is going to be fine. I really need you to find the fun in it. Yesterday at mine, you started to show me you. I need that again today. I'm nervous as well. But if we do this together then it'll be good. I promise" he said putting his hand over mine.
"Ok. I'm sorry Shawn" I said feeling embarrassed at the fact that I was making him feel more nervous.
He just nodded and continued the drive and I felt like I could cry. I felt like a child who had just been told off by their parent.

As he parked up I took a deep breath and we didn't say a word to each other before we got into the little studio where everyone was getting ready.
"Hey guys, did you two come together?" Andrew asked and I nodded. "Ok... there seems to be a vibe between you that doesn't seem highly positive so let's get rid of that. We need love and kisses ok?" He said and I couldn't help but smile. I could tell that everything was manic and most people were nervous and stressing out. Is this what happens in all of his videos?
We separated and I was lead away to hair and makeup.
I slumped down in a tall chair just before a frantic man and an even more frantic woman along with Christina walked in and immediately started working.
"Hey are you ok?" Christina said and again I got a lump in my throat and felt like I was going to cry. "Talk to me, what's going on?"

"Whenever Im with Shawn I feel embarrassed because I'm so conscious about everything I say and what I look like. And I know he's getting annoyed at it. I feel like he looks down on me a bit because I'm just over two years younger. We're not getting on and I'm nervous and I'm trying not to just have a breakdown because I don't want to be seen as weak, or annoying to Shawn...I'm sorry" I said trying to push a smile.
She wrapped an arm around me and we met eyes in the mirror.
"I don't get that. At all. Shawn's so chill and never looks down on anyone. I understand this must be hard. The new country and all this attention you'll be getting. I think that's what he might not be seeing. Don't worry about it ok? Get on set, follow direction and we'll get this done ok? Plus she's handsome as anything so focus on that" she said as i smiled and wiped away tears.
As I wiped my tears I saw Shawn in the mirror and we locked eyes. I quickly looked away and stayed quiet as my hair was straightened even more than it was, and everything blemish was hidden on my face.

As we finished I was put into a set of plain black underwear and an extremely baggy grey t shirt.
"You look cute" Christina said and I smiled.
"I'm cold" I smiled and she handed me a black hoodie.
"You ready?" She said and lead me onto the set. I couldn't help but thank the fact that his hoodie just about covered me.

"So we're just going from the beginning of the song, it just makes it easier for my frame of mind" a man I had never seen before explained and I nodded. I sensed that Shawn had come to stand behind me.
"This first bit is very simple. All we really need you both to do is lie there, in love. I think you guys just need to get in and we'll reposition if we need to" he said and I nodded.

I walked beside Shawn and sat quickly on top of the bed.
"You look nice in my hoodie" he said from beside me and I think that's the most positive thing I've heard.
"I didn't know it was yours" I said and quickly unzipped it and put it beside the bed.
"I overheard what you said in the dressing room" he said and as I glanced over my eyes were drawn to his newly revealed torso. "Don't you think we should talk about it?"
"I do. But not now," I said.
"Can I at least have a hug, I feel like I've hurt you and I hate that" he said and I smiled as he wrapped his large arms around me.
"At least I'm warm now" I giggled and I saw him smile.
"Do you want to get in?" He said and pulled the bed sheets up.

I shimmied in, as did Shawn and as he lay on his back I lay on my side facing him, and just taking this moment in.
"You nervous?" He said putting his hand behind his head and I watched his chest rise and fall.
"Yeah I am" I said honestly and to my surprise his fingers brushed against my own until our fingers were perfectly intertwined.
I felt his thumb rub my hand, and just let my imagination take over and pictured how it would feel to wake up and fall asleep to this every day.

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