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Shawn Mendes
"How are you doing?" Mum asked and I shrugged.
"I'm good." I smiled.
"You've been distracted today. I can tell. This is meant to be exciting for you" Mum sighed and I shrugged.
"I'm ok. I've just been doing a lot of thinking recently." I said.
"Faith" I replied quickly.
"Aw sweetheart"
"I just think about what she's doing and how she's getting on" I said and she took my hand in hers.
"She's only been there two weeks. She's still got a way to go. But I know that she's strong. And she'll be doing all she's supposed to in order to get better" mum said and I nodded.
"I know. There was also this nagging in the back of my mind a while ago that I'd be doing this with her" I said.
"I didn't ever think you guys were that serious?" Dad said and I shrugged.
"I don't think we ever really were. But I still pictured it happening."

I missed her.
I missed just knowing that I could see her freely.
And now I had to travel seven hours or more to see her.
I knew it was my fault that we were in this situation in the first place. But with my whole heart I regret what happened.
I miss holding her.
I miss kissing her.
Touching her.
Laughing with her.
Watching movies with her.
I missed everything about her. Everything.

"Shawn don't cry" Mum said and I put my hands up to my cheeks.
"I-i didn't realise I was" I sniffed and she smiled sadly at me.
"Are you ready to look at the next house?" Dad asked and I nodded, finishing off my drink.

We had already looked at two houses, and they were nice, I just couldn't get into the spirit of trying to look for a house while I was thinking about Faith.
I just thought about what she was doing, whether she was alone, or in counselling or learning music or something like that.
I wondered whether she was thinking about me too or if she was just focused on getting better.

"Go and see her Shawn" Dad whispered as we walked around a house.
"What?" I said and turned to him.
"Go and see her. There's no harm in it" he shrugged.
"What if she doesn't want to see me? She barely let me say goodbye to her" I sighed.
"There's no harm in trying. If she doesn't want to see you then you have to respect it. But, I think she will want to see you" he said and I nodded.
"I'll book a ticket for next week" I sighed and he nodded.

Faith Elizabeth
"I don't understand something about you" Ben said as we sat under our usual tree.
It was around ten at night and we were sat under our tree, the lamplight making us able to see each other.
"What don't you understand?" I asked, secretly dreading he would ask me about the one thing I didn't talk about.
"You seemed to have it all really. A good family,  Shawn as your boyfriend, you were living with his family, and then all of a sudden, this. I just don't understand it" Ben shrugged and I sighed.
"No one ever sees the bigger picture. Me and Shawn were amazing. He was the best boyfriend anyone could have asked for. But then the whole Camila thing blew up and I just got pushed into the background" I explained and he nodded.
"Do you hate them?" He asked and I brought my knees to my chest.
"No. Hate takes effort. I don't have that effort in me. And I know they're not bad people. It just happened" I shrugged and he nodded. "I could never hate Shawn. I love him too much to hate him"
"You still love him now?" Ben asked and I hadn't really thought about it.

I knew I did love him.
But whether I still did, I couldn't really say.
I didn't know if he loved me or not.
I didn't know if the fact that we broke up and hadn't seen each other in weeks played a part in me loving him.

"I don't know. I guess so" I said, barely above a whisper. "I don't know if he loves me"
"I guess that you'll find out soon enough won't you" he smiled.
"Who knows. I don't know if he'll come and visit me" I told Ben, who shrugged.
"You never know. And if not, I'm here for you" he smiled and placed his hand over mine.
"Thank you"

"It's a weird place to find a friend don't you think?" Ben asked as he walked me back to my room.
"Not really. I think it's the perfect place to find friends" I shrugged.
"Seriously? I never thought I'd want to find friends here." Ben said and I shrugged.
"I just think, we have stuff in common with each other here. And it's a place where friends are probably helpful to get through the process" I said.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked as we rounded the corner to my door.
"Of course"
"I know I've only known you a few weeks but I'm so glad that I met you" he said and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.
"I'm glad that I met you too" I smiled and I had to hold in a gasp as he slid his hand in mine.
"We should probably be getting to bed now" I whispered and he nodded.
"Night" he said and squeezed my hand.
"Night" I whispered
He didn't move.
He slowly pressed his lips to my cheek and I could feel them heat up again as his lips lingered on my skin.
"See you at breakfast?" He grinned and I nodded.
"Sure" I nodded before quickly slipping in my room.

I didn't know why Ben held my hand or kissed my cheek.
I didn't know how to feel about it.
I hadn't known him for very long.
My mind was confused, and all I wanted to do was talk to Shawn.

 My mind was confused, and all I wanted to do was talk to Shawn

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