Part 2

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"Darn this panic attacks and weird dreams" i said to myself driving as fast i can because i was already late for work.
Its already been 3 years since the death of Aliya,but my heart just doesn't want to agree with the fact that she is gone forever.
Reaching my personal parking space, i parked and reached for my bag before rushing out of the car leading myself to the hall where i was about to conduct a lecture.
"Good morning guys, sorry I'm late" i said
Removing my MacBook Air and placing it on the table connecting it to the projector in order to begin my lectures.
"So i think introducing ourselves first won't be a bad idea right?" I asked jokingly
I heard some chuckles and and i smiled and said okay lets proceed.
"My name is Professor Mubarak Ahmad, and i will be your physiology lecturer for 3 whole semesters, and i hope we will get along quite well as far as you take your studies very serious" i told them
They all clapped saying we promise.
Okay lets start from the back row i said as i sat down trying to open the slide i will present to them today just then i heard the voice of what i will call an angel ringing in my ears.
"Hi I'm Zarah Muhammad" she said
I raised my eyes to meet the most gorgeous pair of eyes looking at me, i smiled and she smiled back😁 Okay let begin with our first topic of the semester
"Cell division".................

"Oh my God" i said to myself when i saw him coming into the hall
I really cannot describe how handsome he looked
His enchanting smell
His magnificent structure
His voice
Like I've never been drowned by someone this way
"Z get a hold of yourself" i reminded myself
I tried to get all the voices in my head to calm down before they explode my head.
"Well that was close" i sigh
And the feeling came back crashing right after I introduced myself and our eyes met
"He smiled at you" my silent voices announced
"Smile back you idiot"..........
I forced a smile on my face and sat down to concentrate on the lectures
"Okay that will be all for today,and feel free to come to my office if you have any issues about this course, have a nice day." He said before leaving.
"Hello I'm Asiya" the girl who sat close to me said
"Im Zarah" i said, nice to meet you i said with a smile
Well i guess i just made a friend😁
We went for Anatomy lectures together.
"Well today was hectic" Asiya said putting her hand on her head as we were leaving the Anatomy Class
"Yes wlhy" i said, i cant wait to go home I'm super hungry.
"Yeah me too" she said
"I guess it'll be good if we exchanged numbers koh?" She asked
"Yes sure i said smiling, sorry i didn't ask first I don't really know how this new friendship stuff work" i added
"Me neither" she chuckled, but dont worry I got you.
"Just about time" i mourned when i saw Bala parking in the parking lot near the faculty.
"Okay Asiya see you tomorrow" i said to my new friend.
Bye Zarah she said smiling before bala took off.

Another short chapter y'all
I hope you enjoyed it
See you in chapter 3😘

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